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Children Of Exeter

Posted on Thu Jul 22nd, 2010 @ 1:50am by Commodore Edward Fannin

307 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Kulong Mountain District, Planet Exeter
Timeline: Current


Agent Ty seven wasn't sure what his intelligence assignment was when He and Agent Nikki started, but he knew what it was now. It had been several days travel by foot to the Kulong district. A area of high mountains and deep ravines. The civic leaders of Aurora had made provisions for food and shelter for their populous in case of natural disaster. They had know reason to hide the location from anyone...

After the Breen attack people fled to the shelters only to find them occupied by the Merc's who were now using them as a supply depots. Scared citizens were gathered together and placed in holding arenas. All were poisoned within days. Ty thought close to 7000 men, women and children had lost their lives.

He and Agent Nine were to gather as much intel as they could, but were refugee's themselves. Soon it was apparent that refuges must be found, and the mountains were the only logical spot. Several local men knew of a cave system that few others knew about, and it was decided to seek them out. The weather was cool and fires needed at night to keep warm. It would be a ten day travel, more survivors seemed to be joining every hour. Nikki Nine counted over Three thousand children alone on the march that morning...

Ty had been taking to a retired hunter and game warden named Bricker. A bit older Bricker had a good plan and a reasonable idea of how to pull it off. The issue was the Merc's, would they chase them and kill them all. Ty trusted him and his band of men, they all had a stake in their own survival. With any luck they would reach the caves in the morning.


Agent Ty Seven
Theta Fleet Intelligence

Agent Nikki Nine
Theta Fleet Intelligence


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