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A minor Diplomatic issue

Posted on Thu Jul 22nd, 2010 @ 8:01am by Commander Raven Adams & Commodore Edward Fannin

1,486 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: UFP Embassy, Starbase Typhon

((Reference Post: ))

The reporter shook her head, slightly bewildered by the Ensign's response. "Well, that is that, I suppose. Stay tuned to the 'diplomatic' Federation News Network Channel for more details on this incident, as well as future interviews with various personnel involved. This is Joanna Jefferies, signing off for the Federation News Network. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming."

Fade out of frame, and close with the Federation News Network Logo.


Faron watched the terminal blank out.

"Oh. Bloody. Hell." Faron said. He flicked the terminal off.

"Amalia! Get them on the line! The Klingons! The Romulans! All of them! AND GET THIS CHAPLIN IDIOT ON THE LINE! Get the Romulan Ambassador, and Commodore scattergun shoot 'em up down here NOW!" Faron yelled.

"Commodore who?" Amalia asked.

"Personnel list: Commanding Officer, Starbase Typhon." Faron clarified. "I want to talk with them. All."


Miral was having a quiet day. Something she rarely enjoyed and so appreciated when it came. Unfortunately, they didn't always stay peaceful. Today was no exception. A message beeped on her computer. Urgent, by the tone of the beep. ~Weren't they all?~ she asked herself as she walked over to her console.

But her mood quickly soured when she saw the message. Klingons were a hotheaded lot. This was not going to end well.

She turned off her screen and headed for Ambassador Lenar's office.


It took several minutes to reach Fannin from the bridge. There was some local interference planetside..

Fannin stood in front of the view screen on the Danube and waited to be connected to the Ambassador...


"Emergency Diplomatic conference will begin now." Faron said. "We've got Ambassador Begpuj on the line. Wonderful. Commodore Fannin, a pleasure, as always. And..." He tapped the console, where two persons were supposed to be, but couldn't arrange a connection.

The four-way split display had displays of a Klingon ship, Commodore Fannin's runnabout, and two messages.

Starbase Pinnacle is out of the reception area.

Vulcan Embassy is out of the reception area.

"Well, it would seem it is just a party of four. Ambassador Begpuj, may I introduce Ambassador Miral Annhwi." Faron said, slightly unimpressed. "I don't know the political situation of the Pinnacle; however, I have come to the conclusion that this should be handled by persons with better diplomatic credentials."

Miral nodded to the Klingon Ambassador. "Greetings, Ambassador." She turned to Ambassador Lenar. "What about the other Ambassadors on the Pinnacle?"

Faron pointed at the console's bottom left. Starbase Pinnacle is out of the reception area.

"Ion storm. There's one near Vulcan too." Faron said, shaking his head. "I'm going to try tuning into Earth if it doesn't clear up, in a second."

"I know that voice." The Klingon Ambassador said. "But I'm old. I can't recognize you anymore."

"Ah, yes, you poor old bugger. Ambassador Lenar." Faron added.

"That Vulcan's trainee. I presume you are here to beg, and plead me not to declare war on the Federation?" The Klingon asked.

Miral didn't like the tone of the Klingon. "Is it really in your best interest to declare war because both you and the Federation have fools for officials?"

The Klingon laughed. "She has some fire, this one. Though she doesn't really understand polite conversation."

"Klingon conversation, you mean." Faron corrected. "And, no, actually, I was just wondering what you had in mind."

"I was thinking of having Gagh for dinner. That's what's on my mind." Begpuj said.

"Well, that helps a great deal." Faron said, with a sigh. "You are enjoying this, aren't you?"

"But of course." Begpuj commented.

Miral again addressed the Klingon. "I have been a Sub-Commander on a Bird of Prey. When you have to deal with the military and the Tal'Shiar, you speak plainly. Most Klingons I've dealt with appreciate that. It appears your time with the humans has made you soft."

"No, madame. My time being old has made me soft. There are no old warriors. I'm just a politician now." Begpuj said. "Don't you dare blame them for this. Though you can blame them for me being slightly under the weather. I think I caught a cold, or something."

Miral bowed to the screen. "As you wish," she said. "It appears that we have been called in to smooth things over, to use their vernacular. What do you suggest we do to satisfy Klingon honor and prevent bloodshed?" She was talking about the Klingon Ambassador and the Federation security officer on the Pinnacle.

"Klingon Honor? Hah. If anything, it's Federation Honor to satisfy. Prevention of bloodshed has already happened." Begpuj said. "I was sent as an insult to the other governments present. Look at me, woman! I'm old! I wear diapers again! I'm not an Ambassador, in any way, but the title. My staff and I were abusive to the Starbase, and we were deported. Seems to make sense to me. Regardless, I'm sure my government will fuss for a little bit, but really, this is nothing more than a social visit."

Faron looked notably relieved. "Well, that's wonderful. That's beautiful. Begpuj, you really aren't offended?"

"I wanted off the starbase. I didn't want to admit my staff was in the wrong. We were forcibly removed. I don't care. My government may take a slightly different look on things, but really, I'm sure someone will talk some sense into them." The elderly Klingon said. "Does anyone mind if I eat? I'm hungry, and old."

"I don't mind," Miral replied dryly. It wasn't up to her, anyway.

"Wonderful. Thank you. Thank you indeed." Begpuj said. "Now, then, about this whole galactic war thing, I really don't intend to start it, and I don't think my government will either. You just tell your diplomats that things will work out on their own."

Fannin wasn't sure what to make of the conversation, but he sure didn't like the sound of it. Perhaps some saber rattling amongst the ambassadors

Miral smiled. "Blood wine is good, but Romulan Ale is better. I can always send you a case," she told the Klingon. "Perhaps the Commodore can add some Terran caviar. I tried it recently. It is a human delicacy." She paused for that to sink in before adding. "In the name of peace, of course."

"Perhaps that would be best, indeed. An exchange of intoxicating substances, to help erase a minor ripple in otherwise good diplomacy." Begpuj said with a nod. "Though I suspect that the Security Officer in question has a better grasp of Klingon attitudes than my government seems to think."

"It is always possible," Miral agreed. She didn't know the details and, at this point, if all could be mended with some alcohol, so be it. "I will make arrangements to have the ale delivered to you." Although Romulan ale was illegal in the Federation, she was still a Romulan and could easily have some sent from a nearby outpost.

"Wonderful. And where should I mail the bloodwine?" Begpuj asked.

"Starbase Typhon, care of Miral Annhwi." She would distribute it to those who were involved in this... accord. "And you, where do you wish me to send your ale and caviar?" She hadn't confirmed this with Fannin, but he would be a fool to deny the Klingon when it would clearly solve a problem for his Federation.

"Care of Qo'noS Embassy, Qo'noS. Postage address: 2121 Qo'noS street, in the province of Qo'nos. Very Qo'nos, this place." Begpuj said, with a smile. "I warn you, Klingon postal service is almost as bad as dealing with Ferengi. You may want to use a private courier. I will do so, myself."


"General Key, I'm in a call." Begpuj said.

"You've still got more fire in you, than all of Sto-Vo-Kor. DEPORTED FROM A FEDERATION STARBASE?" The voice said. "Maybe the council will take you seriously now."

"Lady, and gentlemen, I am needed elsewhere." Begpuj said, and then the screen went dead.

"Commodore Fannin, thank you for your absolutely amazing conversational skills." Faron said, and then flicked the comm off.

"That went better than expected." Faron said to Miral, now that they had no other listeners.

Miral bowed. "Indeed. We were most fortunate."

Fannin sat back heavy in his chair. Took a deep breath, and looked over at his pilot. "Commander, If those people call again tell them I'm busy. Feel free to make up what ever story you think fits. I would prefer it have a happy ending or a pair of courtesans in it."

The Commander nodded, "Yes Sir"


Ambassador Faron Lenar
Federation Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Miral Tal'Aura Annhwi (NPC)
Romulan Ambassador
Starbase Typhon

Com. Edward Fannin
Task Force 42
Starbase Typhon


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