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Getting his War on

Posted on Sun Aug 1st, 2010 @ 10:50pm by

237 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Marine Bay 17
Timeline: Current


It was after chow and most of the first Battalion was settling in. He was scheduled to meet with the company commanders later. his main job now was to get his gear ready. during the boarding process he lost track of most of his equipment until he got to his berth. His rifle now cleaned and ready, body armor checked. Helmet cameras working. he thought of the men who talked far too much about running the mercs off and grabbing a look at a few dead Breen bodies. He knew from school that just wouldn't be happening this trip. Major Reynold had told him the Breen would bee long gone buy the time they arrived. he spoke of this happening before, the Breen trained captured prisoners in warfare skills then attacked a helpless planet and dumped an army of trained mercs. Die or escape, It was cost effective warfare for them. A good way to test the Federations response to aggression.

He was impressed with his Three company commanders even though none of them had seen much combat, the troops seemed to be ready. They just had to listen to there platoon leaders and follow orders. Jerry did have the intense feeling of impending doom. He shrugged it of to pre-combat jitters. Time would tell on this mission. He needed some experience and this would be it.


Major Jerry Parino
1st Battalion, 21st Marine Regiment


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