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What could possibly go wrong?

Posted on Sat Aug 7th, 2010 @ 2:27am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commodore Edward Fannin

692 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Operations

Anna showed up with some chocolates and set them in her office then put on some coffee. Anna couldn't remember the last night she had actually rested well. The events with Ian and Raven were the cause of that. Anna let out a sigh and brought and popped a chocolate in her mouth before grabbing the coffee and moving out to the ops station. Several of the shops were requesting supplies and Anna sent orders to replicate the things that could be replicated and started placing orders for the things that couldn't from her contacts. She also sent the orders to her staff that she wanted working on getting the supplies replicated and delivered or assembled if needed.

Anna hadn't told anyone in her department what had gone on or what was still really going on since her heart was torn about what to do about Ian. For now she would stay absorbed in work so it didn't consume her.

Fannin was headed for the bridge and shot through operations, he saw Johnson holding a cup of coffee, "Hey, got anymore of that?"

"Always," Anna said with a smile that didn't meet her eyes. She turned and lead him to her office and poured a cup then handed it to him. "How are you this morning?" Anna asked.

"Good, on my way to the bridge, got a late start this morning. I was up late last night reading."

"What were you reading?" Anna asked.

"Well I started very noble with a cigar and an old copy of the October Horse, but it some how got changed to the latest gossip rag. I happen to be addicted to them."

"I have a small collection of some old bound books. I like to search them out from time to time. You are welcome to check out my collection and borrow one if you like. No gossip rags though." Anna answered.

Fannin took a long drink of coffee, "I will defiantly do that, not often you get a good shot at real books anymore."

"So anything interesting in those gossip rags?" Anna asked.

"Well it appears the newest teen idol was discovered to be a clone..."

"Yes, and I'm sure they will be seeing Elvis again soon too." Anna said with a laugh. "Elvis must be an El'Aurian."

Fannin smiled, "Have you seen the XO today?"

"No I haven't seen him since the staff meeting right before you got back." Anna answered. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"Well I was needing him to Get with the science Officer to see what could be done with some of the derelict vessels and parts that seem to be appearing in a few of the shuttle bays. We had a crewman injured a few days ago. There's just to much of these abandoned vessel laying about. The Tea ladies ship needs to be repaired or melted down."

"I can get some of my people on that if you like." Anna suggested, "They may be able to reuse some of the parts for other ships."

"That would be outstanding if you could help out, I'll be working out on the outer ring, it's a real mess out there. And not too safe from what I'm hearing either. I also have the suspicion that The cinc may be stopping by and we don't need his newest station looking like a garbage scow."

"I'll get a team on it or get on it myself if I have to." Anna said.

"No problem, just keep an eye on things while I'm out in the ring, I'll be taking several security officers and a few cleanup crews with me. If you happen to see the XO tell him where I'm at and send him out to me."

Anna nodded, "I'll make sure of it sir."

"Thanks for helping out. I'll check in later with you I have a date with A few troops in the outer ring."

Anna nodded and headed for the shuttle bays to see what she could do about the mess that was there.


Com. Edward Fannin
Starbase Typhon

Commander Anna Johnson
Chief of Operations/Second Officer


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