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Posted on Sun Aug 1st, 2010 @ 10:25pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

246 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: City of Aurora
Timeline: Current


Corporal Herdryshime knew the Commando leader would be pleased, all the preparations were in place. The men of the Ninth commando would succeed, or they would die trying. He had heard the Breen officer giving instructions to Captain Krell before the Breen ship departed. It had taken several days to complete the tasks for their area but it was completed. The air was clean here on Exeter. He hoped they would be victorious and capture many Federation vessels and escape the planet. He spotted the captain exiting a building and ran towards him.

“Captain Krell, we have completed all the preparations for the defense.â€

Krell looked down at the corporal, “Gather the Commando for the final briefing.â€

Several minutes later the entire commando was assembled Captain Krell of the Ninth Commando spoke. “Commandos, we are ready to become free again. The masters have left us to die here. You have trained many years for this chance at freedom. Don’t screw it up now. Remember to keep your shields close to you. If your separated fall back and re-gather. We shall not make this easy for you. They have the weapons, we have the numbers and the desire to be free men once more. To your stations, the fleet can attack at any time.â€

The commando scattered to their positions and prepared, Captain Krell headed for his briefing with leaders from the other commandos….


Captain Krell
CO, Ninth Commando,
First Division, Second Army Corps


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