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Supplemental Diplomatic Report

Posted on Fri Sep 3rd, 2010 @ 7:11am by

332 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Qo'nos'

The past few days of Diplomatic Discussion has gone well. Well, well enough. For Klingons.

Only thirty duels, and a death. Not bad.

Everything seems to be cooling off. Or at least, that was what I thought.

The Media coverage has been horrendous, and to make matters worse, the Federation News Network reporter, not the one that was supposed to be with me, I'll add in, as a side-note, got in a bar fight, and lost.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any bloody worse, some medium-ranking family decides that, as a direct result of this bar-fight, and the fallout of it, that the Federation is out to get them, personally, and have taken it upon themselves to blockade, and plausibly destroy, or commandeer, a Federation out-post, on the extreme outskirts of Federation space.

The thing is barely armed. Hardly honorable on their part, again, as an added side-note.

Someone please let my wife know that I'm still breathing, and that it will be sometime before this damn conference comes to a close.

We keep having to stop, every time there's an honor challenge. So far, it's delayed the conference a total of 30 times. Getting quite obscene, really. If this were on any other civilized planet, we'd be done by now. We haven't even gotten four hours of work done yet.

Side notes:

Commodore Fannin: You better not be starting any wars in my absence.

Admiral Burke: I apologize, beforehand, for some rather crudely written diplomatic reports. Staying around Klingon mindsets, while I'm fatigued, and my barriers are lower than average, has left me in a foul mood.

Ambassador Whitney: My apologies for my undiplomatic style while writing this report. Please refer to Admiral Burke's notes.

Admiral Whittenhouse: Congratulations on your recent promotion. I assume we will be corresponding frequently.

Filed from: Federation Embassy, Qo'nos'.

Carbon Copies sent via Diplomatic Subspace channel 42 to:

Admiral Kathryn Burke
Commodore Edward Fannin
Ambassador Grace Whitney
Admiral Johnathon Whittenhouse
President Kuvak


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