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Calling Some Assets

Posted on Sat Sep 4th, 2010 @ 1:20pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Commodore Edward Fannin

435 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Subspace Message
Timeline: Current


Wilhelm was reading the contact times given to him for Agents Ty Seven and Nikki Nine. When the next appointed time arrived he activated him COMM set. "Hackleberg to Intel Team..."

The set scanned some stepped tones... "This is Seven, go with your message, there's a long delay due to signal routing."

"Please verify status and location. Verification: Sierra Lima Foxtrot 9 2. Countersign?" Wilhelm said into the COMM to make sure he was talking to the right person.

Ty thought for a few seconds, "Sixteen." He was certain the countersign was correct, Nikki nodded her approval as he said it..

"Verified Seven." Wilhelm said. "Please report status and condition."

"We are secure about seventy miles from the city of Aurora. I have one agent with me and several hundred children below the age of 13. All told we number 400. Will need supplies and evacuation as soon as possible. Opposing forces haven't detected us yet and are in the city."

"What is the estimation and composition of enemy forces in the region?"

As we were departing Aurora we estimated as many as Thirty Thousand planet wide, in this area could be as many as Ten thousand Bands. They are forming into Regiment sized units. there's quite a lot of fighting among them. Most units are formed into Commandos and carrying ballistic weapons, some light artillery mainly disruptor style."

"Have you seen any heavier equipment? We seen what looked like a Breen tank and anti-aircraft on a drone scan. Also have you seen anything space worthy at the spaceport or else where?"

"We left with the children to quick to see, or even get near the Space port. here in the mountains we are keeping our heads done as much as possible. I'm sure they have quite a few heavy ground assets as there was a massive bombardment the first few days."

"Very well Seven. Do you have any available personnel that'll help act as guides in the local area?"

"Sir, all I have here is one armed agent and possibly three or four effectives without arms. I can move to a location given a few hour and send some information to you that may be useful, but you could get the same thing with scans. I will be able to identify leaders in the commando's after you get them."

"Alright Seven. That should be all for now. If you remember our original timetable you will need to set it back a minimum of 24 hours, we've run into a couple problems en route. Good luck. Hackleberg out."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines
SB Typhon


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