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Too Much to Handle

Posted on Wed Sep 1st, 2010 @ 12:48am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

674 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Command
Timeline: current

Anna kept trying to watch the security footage but wasn't getting very far since all the reports were now going through her she was finding that right now between that and explaining why she couldn't allow ships to leave at the moment and trying to get ships in the area to assist their marine ships she could only manage a few minutes at a time before being interrupted.

Finally she sent a message to Raven asking for her assistance and for her to come by if she had any information that they could make use of if she was already working on it.

Raven and Edgar spent the day reviewing video of the explosion and backtracking to where a slim man wearing a knit cap placed a box containing the device.

Raven took what information she had and headed for the command center.

After she had sent the message Anna went back in her office for more coffee. In a bit she would have to go back to her quarters for some sleep or she wouldn't be any good to anyone but she wanted to speak to Raven first.

Raven walked into the room with a PADD in her hand. She walked over to Anna. "I've followed the footage back to where a Breen male set a box down and walked away. Edgar is looking through all video footage to see if he can be traced elsewhere on the station. All the information is here." She handed Anna the PADD.

"Thanks, would you like some coffee?" Anna said pointing to the pot behind her as she read through the report.

"No, thanks. I'm trying to cut down." She sat back and waited to see if Anna had any questions.

"Do we know how they managed to get all this stuff onto the station without alerting someone that it was being brought on?" Anna asked.

"Not yet. Edgar is looking through all the station footage," Raven said.

"I've been trying to review the footage too but I'm so busy with all the reports coming in I haven't really had time. I'm having to depend on you and Commander Darkmoon to get it done." Anna said with a sigh.

"It would logically fall to security and Intel," Raven reminded her gently. "You can't do it all by yourself."

"I just feel useless stuck up here doing paper work. I want to find the person who did this and make sure they come to justice." Anna said, "I know you and Commander Darkmoon are capable of doing it I just want to do something that is more helpful than delegate."

"Your job is to keep the station running until Commodore Fannin is well enough to resume command," Raven assured her. "That's more than enough to take on right how."

"I know, that is what I'm trying to do it just doesn't seem like enough." Anna said with a sigh.

"That's because you don't like to sit and let others do the work. But you can't do everything. You have to let others do their jobs."

Anna nodded, "I know," She said, "I also need to get some sleep soon or I'm not going to do anyone any good."

"So delegate," Raven told her sternly. "Go to bed. You'll do no one any good if you end up in sickbay yourself."

"I'm trying to, I'm only use to delegating one department not an entire station." Anna said, "And I was going to get some sleep as soon as we were done." she added.

Raven nodded. "Well, all I have so far is the person who placed the box. I'll let you know if I find out anything more. Get some sleep. I won't have anything until tomorrow at the earliest," she assured Anna.

"Thanks," Anna said, "Make sure you get some sleep as well." She added.

"Yes, ma'am," Raven replied with a cheeky grin. "I'll put it on my to do list."


Commander Anna Johnson
Acting Commanding Officer, Star Base Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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