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Federation News Network Update: Ambassador Lenar Killed, Klingons, Federation plan revenge.

Posted on Fri Oct 1st, 2010 @ 7:28am by

264 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Q'ono's

The summation of the peace conferences were declared a success...

...AFTER the assassination of Ambassador Lenar.

On Stardate 65352.7, Ambassador Lenar was sitting at the negotiation table, with the Klingon Ambassador, when the building was stormed by Klingon "rebels", who, according to the Klingon government "Acted without honor." Among the dead, Ambassador Lenar's body was found, gripping the pointed spear that Federation Flag was held off of, apparently attempting to use it as a weapon, to fend off an attacker. Naturally, the poor-quality plastic was less than effective in this regard.

"These rebels have acted without honor, and attacked an unarmed diplomat, of our allies, no less." The Klingon Councillor for Diplomatic affairs was quoted as saying. "These same cowards are responsible for attacking barely armed Federation outposts, and will be treated harshly, by both Klingon, and Federation officials, once found. We refuse to harbor these cowards, who can not be bothered to pick a fight, warrior to warrior, but instead have to pick on the weak, and defenseless."

The Federation was quick to acknowledge these affairs as acts of terrorism, and have agreed to not hold a grudge over the issue with the Klingon high council.

Adding insult to injury, the Ambassador's wife was among the bodies. The bodies will be sent to their respective planets, in honor of their wills.

In a related story, the extremely remote Federation Outpost 87 has come under attack by rebellious Klingon Privateers. Both the Klingon Empire, and Starfleet, are sending their nearest available vessel to assist.

And in other news....

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