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Tying Up Loose Ends, part 1

Posted on Sun Oct 3rd, 2010 @ 8:06am by Commander Raven Adams & Khiy Tal'ehrihn

887 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Trans Galactic Trading
Timeline: Current


Raven had been researching OreCo ever since the mining accident on Tiberius IV. She was pretty sure she'd connected it to the space mines near the starbase. Now, all she had to do was find enough evidence to confirm her suspicions and catch the people responsible.

For that, she needed Khiy's help. So, she headed to Trans Galactic Trading.

She waked into the main business and asked the girl at the counter if she could talk to Khiy.

The woman behind the desk simply nodded to Raven. She looked very tired, as if the last few days she had slept very little.

"He has been expecting you Commander Adams."

"Thank you," Raven said, smiling cheerfully at the woman as she walked past her and to Khiy's office.

Since he was expecting her, she knocked on the door and poked her head in. "Hi. Is now a good time to ask you for help?"

Khiy looked up from the mountain of PADD's that littered his desk. "Afternoon Raven." He looked back down to the work that needed his immediate attention and smiled "Actually this is a perfect time." His hand motioned to the chair opposite his desk.

Raven grinned and took the proffered seat. "I have another PADD for your collection," she said, handing it to him. "I think the space minds and the explosion on the starbase are connected." She paused for a moment, considering her words. "I think it's someone associated with OreCo and the mining on Tiberius IV. Whoever it is hired some Breen to damage the station. I just can't prove it."

Khiy took his time looking over the extensive report and found himself impressed at the level of detail involved. He had better sense then to ask if he was allowed to read this information given the obvious official nature of the incident.

Given what he had read, he started to piece together what would be necessary to pull this sort of job off. At the ground level there had to be one inside person, the linchpin, to make everything work quietly...and Khiy had an idea who it might be.

The moments seemed to drag on as he weighed his options on telling Raven what he knew. Figuratively it would be like shooting himself in the foot to give up this individual's name.

With a final quiet sigh he put the PADD down and looked at Raven. He had made his mind up to help.

"Well, this helps to clear up a few things about our link to to OreCo. I trust that telling you this will in no way come back to me." It was a habitual disclaimer.

Raven gave him an innocent look. "Of course not. This information comes from hours of digging through files within files." The facade dropped. "I have too many secrets of my own to risk exposing a friend's."

Khiy nodded and leaned back heavily into his chair as he considered where this investigation was going. It wouldn't end well, not for Starfleet and its laws.

"You may have to field one more before this is over and it wont be a secret taken lightly." He grew very serious as he started darkly at Raven. "How far are you prepared to go to find the person responsible for this?"

"I won't torture him, if that's what you're asking," she said. "But I'm not against reading his mind if that's what it takes to get the information."

He wished it would be that easy. “Trust me when I say that large corporations go to great lengths to ensure that the people the hire for this sort of thing prove...resilient to most forms of interrogation. If he goes to prison for a long time it had better be worth his while to keep his mouth shut. You know the sort, Raven, we used to work with them often.†Khiy knew he didn't have to elaborate.

“I’m not asking that you use improvised methods to extract the employer’s name, I’m merely wondering if you would mind this individual’s unexplained disappearance...â€

Raven considered that for several minutes. "As long as I don't know what happened and can't find out that he had an accident."

Khiy nodded having heard all he needed. "There may be a fair amount of leg work involved in this for you. There will likely be a lot of filling in the blanks afterwards, but I’m sure that will be the easy enough for you."

He stood from his desk and walked over to his well used liquor cabinet. He relieved a pair of glasses, as this sort of business was within the realm of dark and never taken lightly.

He sat beside Raven and poured a portion in the two glasses before telling her what he knew.

"There is a person I know on Typhon who works in sensor control, he does excellent work and he comes with a price tag. He can do anything from masking sensor readings on incoming cargo ships to making them disappear entirely. He has a quality of work that rivals Korvan Delim's." He knew Raven would remember the name from her days as Morticia.

(To be continued...)

Khiy Tal'ehrihn
Owner, Trans Galactic Trading

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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