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Marine Landing/ Sectors One &Two

Posted on Mon Sep 13th, 2010 @ 11:02pm by Commodore Edward Fannin & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Basil Hart & Commander Ian Casey

2,013 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter, Outskirts , City of Aurora
Timeline: Current


Wilhelm heard the increasing roar of the atmosphere outside the pod as it tried to punch through the atmosphere. Suddenly the outside noise grew quiet then started to pickup as the air flow increased. "Deploying air brakes..." The computer said as Wilhelm was forced into the safety harness as the pod jolted. "Threat alert." The computer went on "...Anti air fire detected." Wilhelm gave an immediate answer "Deploy counter measure all pod units." Then into the COMM "ALL UNITS ACTIVATE JAMMERS AND ECM!" A status screen of the pod came up as it's skin began peeling off into a form of chaff, "ALL RAZOR UNITS ENGAGE AAA AND TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY!"

Over the COMM Wilhelm heard a brief and terrible scream as the status light for a Private Goetke winked out. "Prepare for for ejection." The computer said then pod broke apart into the open air ten seconds later. Free falling Wilhelm watched his altimeter and speed indicator as it scrolled down frighteningly quick. When he hit fifteen thousand feet he opened his chute. Seeing the ground, Wilhelm observed the tell tale flash of weapons fire. With bits of flak going off all around Wilhelm landed in the middle of a park in a war torn residential district. "Marine One on the ground." Wilhelm said into his COMM for all who were listening, then continued, "All units sound off."

Sergeant Major Boris Varnic was hopeful, most of the battalion landed well on the outskirts of a large housing development ground fire had slacked off as they reached the ground. Major Parino survived his first combat jump but was having some com issues The Three companies were spread out in assault formation and advancing towards their first checkpoint on the other side on a wide culvert.. Varnic was locked and loaded moving the troops forward. He received word from the scouts ahead that no signs of life or movement was noted to their front....

Ian smiled as he heard the order from the Colonel. "You heard the man," Ian said over the comm as he adjusted a couple readings. "Iron Cross," he ordered as he moved into position. "Alpha and Bravo flights go in first, followed by Charlie and Echo. Delta flight, keep on eye on the Marines."

The breeching charge blasted down the perimeter wall and the first Squad had rolled through to the manicured streets and lawns. Captain Amanda Fletcher was driving her company to cover fast.. She checked her hud display, good separation. "Team One, get some marines on these roofs. Team Two check for friendlies in these houses. Lets stay alert and not make any mistakes.." She looked down the street a few blocks and saw Parino's First squad running forward across the street. The sound of gunfire erupted from his direction followed by several sharp explosions.

Sgt Varnic was down, Jerry had seen him take the squad forward, a bunker in the house opened up and riddles them pretty good. "Jerry was running towards the house with the headquarters squad in tow "Hit it," Jerry yelled as a grenadier took the porch down with several well placed rounds of High explosive. He saw Two grey and brown clad men run acrossed the backyard towards a fence and opened fire. Several marines had spotted them and joined in taking both the commando's out quickly..

Wilhelm ducked for cover as another fusilade of weapon's fire went over head "Get some suppressing fire on the...." Wilhelm roared at some nearby marines as an automatic weapon fired at them from a nearby building. Wilhelm watched as a heavy weapons squad snuck around the flank of the building and opened fire with proton launchers. Within four rounds the building was uninhabitable and on fire. Wilhelm looked over the low wall he was behind as fire from that direction slacked off. "Captains Terrel, Netbers and Volk report." Wilhelm said as he got up and started trotting towards the main rendezvous point, a large gated community.

"Captain Terrel here sir. Received light casualties so far and we are securing the apartment block to the north of you meeting moderate resistance. No civilians sighted yet." "Volk here sir. Approaching the rendezvous site with light resistance and minor casualties. Awaiting your squad's arrival." Wilhelm waited impatiently for Captain Netbers and his COMM chirped. "First Lieutenant Tempec here sir. Captain Netbers is down. Meeting heavy resistance and falling back to link up with A Company. Minor casualties so far but we are under heavy fire from battalion size grouping of mercs. Request immediate assistance!" Wilhelm responded, "Continue falling back Tempec and link up with A Company. Air support will be forthcoming."

After a twenty minute trot Wilhelm and his squad met up with B Company. "Is the wall around that community secure?" Wilhelm asked. Volk responded "Yes sir except for the front gate which is broken off. My men have the community surrounded and have spotted hostile activity inside." Wilhelm looked at his map quick then said to his officer, "Deploy your mortars and start dropping tear gas in there to smoke them out. Then we'll close on it from all sides." Volk turned to comply with his orders and Wilhelm heard the distinctive thump of mortar fire....

Thirty minutes later Wilhelm stood in the middle of the gated community with merc bodies laying amongst once beautiful gardens and homes. Wilhelm turned to his COMM tech, "Get 3rd's Artificer Company down here and start turning this place into our home away from home." Wilhelm liked this community because it bordered on the sectors his two battalions were fighting for. "Send to Major Parino Fire Base Zulu is open and expecting casualties and civilian. Also, send back to Typhon and Marine Command our status update and the 21st is here to stay for the time being. Now to tend to C Company."

Erwin Reynolds Briefed the Third battalions Artificers, they were loaded up with everything they could carry, he was sending some artillery with them to help bolster the defenses of Firebase Zulu. Having them on the departure line helped. within Twenty minutes they were gone...

Major Parino sat near the bodies of his men, Nine dead Seventeen wounded. Varnic was still on his feet to his amazement. He grabbed a Marine for a runner. "Go west of here until you link up with the Second Battalion, if the gap is to large between us send word back and we'll close up and anchor our position."

"Yes Sir."

Jerry set the corresponding code on his hand held, "Colonel, ya out there?"

Wilhelm was up with C Company holding back an onslaught of mercs as Razor came barreling in spraying fire toward the enemy. "Little busy Major," Wilhelm said as he put a new charge into his weapon, "What can I do for you?"

"Might be late at the rally point a few, will keep you advised Sir."

"Very well Jerry. If you need any help let us know." Wilhelm said and looked over a stone fence at the enemy battalion and fired.

Fifteen minutes later Wilhelm was heading back to the Firebase and opened his COMM. "To Commander SB Typhon and Marine General Ammon. Have sucessfully landed in Aurora and established forward operations base. We have encountered light resistance so far except for a battalion strength grouping of mercenaries. Light casualties so far with twenty dead and thirty wounded, will send list as soon as practical. We are actively seeking out any AAA batteries to eliminate so we can begin landing our heavier equipment. So far we have only encountered very few civilians, Suspect they are being held elsewhere in the city."

[Marine Headquarters, Starfleet Command, Earth]

In his office, Ammon Khan sighed wearily. He wouldn't sleep until this thing was over. So far, the casualty rate was within acceptable parameters, but he doubted if that would be any consolation to the families of those who died. He did not envy Wilhelm the task of contacting those families. But this was how wars had been fought since time began. The weapons and tactics changed, but the death of your men never did. He tapped his console, contacting the 2nd Looie who served as his secretary. "Lieutenant Carstairs, send an acknowledgment to Colonel V. Include a message saying that we continue to wish him the best of luck."

"Aye aye, General," she said in reply.


The Wyverns landed inside Firebase Zulu and were down very quickly The seven craft held 36 skilled Artificers from the Third Battalion, the second Wyvern had a portable surgical unit that was being dragged out on a large sled to the edge of a soccer field. Marine Captain Jacb Henny was moving a squad to the Third Wyvern and assisted a medical team in unloading surgical equipment and a small portable cargo transporter. Henny looked around for The Colonel and took off at a trot toward the gunfire..

"Well got the brushfire sort of out..." Wilhelm said as he started walking back toward the firebase. "All Second Battalion units secure your positions and dig in, we're losing the light..." Wilhelm said as he noticed a Marine Captain trotting up to him in a hurry. "Report Captain."

"Captain Henny Sir Third Battalion. All my men are down and setting up a surgical unit. Medics are with us."

"Good Captain. Very good. What's the status of the fortifications at the firebase and the rest of the Third?" Wilhelm said then Heard a very large explosion way off to the north. "That would be the Raider Squad announcing their presence..."

"Major Reynolds is loading up some extra equipment, He can jump at any time you need him Sir."

"Excellent. I do not believe we shall need the rest of the 3rd tonight. However, I do believe its time for chow if you can get runners out to the marines with rations, ammo, and medicine i do believe we'll dig in for the night."

"Yes Sir", The Marine took of at a trot. He had brought a few Margos down and a few small trailers for ammo and support chores...

Jerry Parino had seen the Wyverns come down planet side. He had to get his wounded out as soon as possible..."Varnic, get those hoppers on line and ask for an extraction of our wounded." Jerry was getting a feed through his M-76 Hud, Captain Fletcher had secured her checkpoint and was in good shape, considering. He zoomed out the map display and could see all her squads were online and digging in. Parino typed in a "Well Done" and asked her for a casualty report. She sent back a short message..

"Took Four prisoners and have Two non-combat wounded, nothing serious Have enemy to our front Seventeen hundred meters in bunkers, need Air Mission to advance from here."

"Get your prisoner's to Zulu and let the CO know what ya got, Dig and dig quick." Jerry stepped back and took off to inspect the fields of fire for his main line.

As sundown approached Jerry had settled his regiment in and made it to Firebase Zulu, catching a ride on the back of a resupply trailer. A good position here he thought looking at the surrounding walls, the Artificers didn't waste any daylight either. Hopefully he could check on his wounded and get a Sit-Rep in with the CO about the morning.

At sundown Wilhelm walked into the Firebase after seeing to 2nd Battalion. The resupply trailers were bringing the wounded and dead into the base and heading back out with supplies. The last report from the Captains of the Second were that their sector was getting fairly quiet and they were getting dug in tighter then ticks with good lanes of fire. Wilhelm briefly looked with wonder at what the Artificers have setup then wondered where they stashed his bunk.


Major Jerry Parino
Commanding Officer
First Battalion. 21st Marines

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
Commanding Officer
21st Marines

Brigadier General Ammon Khan (Basil)
Commandant of the Marine Corps,
Theta Fleet

Commander Ian Casey
Air Group Commander


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