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New Ship for the Derecho Crew

Posted on Tue Oct 19th, 2010 @ 4:02am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

1,322 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Various

Rebecka was given word that they were near Starbase Typhon she sent the communication to the station to check on their status and make sure they could dock there.

Anna's face flickered onto the screen. "Commodore James, I got your message and yes you can drop off the Derecho Crew here for their new ship. Both ships will have to be scanned and possibly boarded and searched before you will be allowed to leave."

"That is understandable and not a problem." Becka said. She looked up as the chime went off and Claudia opened the door and saw Commander Reeder enter.. "The CO of the Derecho is in my office now if you want to inform him of anything." Rebecka said and watched to see what Alex would do.

Alex walked over to the Commodore's desk,"May I ma'am?" Alex said gesturing to the terminal.

"Be my guest." Rebecka said and moved out of his way.

"This is Commander Reeder, is my new ship ready? I would like my crew to transfer over and begin our new mission as soon as possible." Alex said.

"It is here waiting as well as the rest of the crew that isn't from the Derecho. They have been here for a while because they were assigned to the ship around the time the bomb went off here. For some reason the command team that was originally going to be assigned to her changed and she is all yours." Anna said.

"Hmm Odd how things work out eh? That works for me, now we don't have to wait for the crew to board. We should be arriving shortly if I am not mistaken my XO and I will beam directly to Ops once we arrive is that ok?" Alex asked.

"That can be arranged," Anna said, "Is there anything else you need for the ship?" She asked.

"Not that I can think of, I will let you know as soon as possible. Thank you." Alex said with a smile, glad he would have a ship again and so soon. The transmission link cut off and he looked at the commodore."How much longer until we arrive ma'am? I'm anxious to get underway."

"About six hours. I'm getting you there as fast as safety allows." Rebecka answered.

"Very well Ma'am, Can you let me know when we arrive? I would like to get a little more sleep before then I figure were going to be up for a while.' Alex said.

"Get the rest I'm sure you will need it." Becka answered.

[Six hours later]

Rebecka had sent a com call to Commander Reeder and knew the Alabama was docking. Her crew was instructed to stay on the ship as they were not staying at the Starbase long. Just long enough to drop off the crew of the Derecho..

Alex walked through the doors to the bridge along with Skink behind him."We've arrived finally I see. Can you pull up the new ship on the view screen, we would like to see her before anyone else on the crew." Alex asked still back towards the turbo lift.

The Gorn hissed softly through his teeth as the majestic sovereign class vessel appeared on the view screen. "She really is beautiful." He whispered.

Once all the Derecho crew had been beamed to the station the Alabama sat just outside the station waiting for them to get approval to leave. Rebecka had chosen this method instead of docking themselves so they wouldn't have to be scanned and it would make getting back underway a little faster.

Alex and Skink beamed directly to Ops of Starbase Typhon, a few people didn't seem very fond of this but at this point he didn't care to much he just wanted his ship. Alex found the woman he was speaking to on the Terminal and Approached her."So we meet at last." Alex said smiling.

Anna looked at him, "I made an exception this time but don't make a habit of beaming here directly especially when we are under yellow alert." Anna said with a bit of fire in her eyes. "You are lucky we don't have a security team swarming up here right now."

Krang and five other security officers beamed into Ops a moment later. They were standing in a circle with their backs together, weapons drawn. Seeing two faces he didn't recognize, it didn't help that one was a Gorn, he rushed forward. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in here?" he growled into Reeder's surprised face.

"It's okay Commander Darkmoon, this is the new CO and XO of the Vigilant. They are just a bit over anxious. The Alabama brought them in and beamed them over instead of docking because they won't be here long." Anna said.

Skink took up a position behind his commanding officer, arms crossed casually, he glared at a couple of the ops personal who were giving him strange looks.

"Thanks for the Exception Commander, What paper work must be done so we can get onto the ship and get underway?" Alex then noted that he still had phasers pointed at him, "Would you kindly put those damn things away, were not hostile."

Anna said nothing else to Krang she knew why he was on pins and needles, she was too. She moved over to a stack of PADDs and found the right one. "Follow me." She said wondering if Krang was going to follow or not.

"Come on Skink." Alex said as they began to follow the Commander."Where are we headed off to?" he asked her.

"To your ship of course. There has to be a voice command transfer by either me or the ranking officer that is currently on the ship. If I'm with you I know the transfer goes smoothly." Anna said.

Alex couldn't help but smile at the sound of that. He turned to Skink and saw he to was fangs and all." Thank you for your help Commander. Losing a ship isn't easy and getting a new one is even tougher at times."

The Gorn nodded, the recent losses hadn't really sunk in yet, he was just trying to do his job and keep it all together.

Anna thought back to the one ship she had been on that was destroyed and did a good job of not shuttering. Nothing on the outside showed she had been reminded of a bad memory. "It makes me curious as to how they had a ship waiting on command team and senior staff just waiting for you. I'm sure the skeleton crew that is currently on there will be glad to get out on a mission."

"Oh I'm sure they will be more than happy to get out of here and stretch their space legs a bit."

Anna led them to the walk way that would take them over to the ship. She showed the clearance to the guards and led the two officers over to the ship and up to the bridge where she gave the voice command to turn command over to Commander Reeder. "You are all set, remember we have to scan your ship before you depart to make sure there is no one on board that isn't suppose to be there." She said.

"Got it, thank you Commander." Alex then tapped his comm badge."Reeder to all former Derecho crew and standing crew of the Vigilant, please report to docking port alpha 2 to begin boarding. Come on home everyone." The line cut and he smiled."Thank you again Commander."

"She's brand new don't mess her up too badly on this voyage run." Anna said with a smile then held her hand out to him.

Alex took her hand."No worries Commander, you putting her in good hands." he said with a smile.

Anna nodded then turned to make her way back to the station.


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