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Time at Home

Posted on Mon Oct 11th, 2010 @ 12:30am by Captain Anna Johnson

564 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Johnson Quarters
Timeline: Current

Anna couldn't justify staying at red alert any longer. There were ships that had to be leaving soon. She would not take the station off of Yellow alert until they had the people who did this in custody, or they knew without a doubt that they had gotten off the station. Ships were being scanned for unidentified passengers before they would be allowed to leave and if needed were being searched as well. Anna was taking no more chances.

They did at least have some leads and that was something she was glad of.

Another day of too much paperwork and running around the station had ended and she stepped into her quarters met by the aroma of dinner being cooked by Jana. Anna took in a deep breath and smiled.

"Hamburger steak with gravy and hash brown casserole, my favorite." Anna said as she sank into the dining room chair after placing her shoes in her room.

Jana smiled and nodded, "I thought you might could use some comfort food. I also grabbed some Tirimisu from that Italian place in the food court." She said. Her make up still had a goth look to it but was a little less noticeable. She did however still have a habit of dying her hair to suit her mood and today it was a dark blue-black.

"We got a message from our brothers today. School is going well. When news got to Earth about the bomb they wanted to be sure you were o...kay" Jana slowed down. It had just dawned on her that Anna was wearing red instead of yellow. "Is there something you wanted to tell me?" She asked pointing to Anna's collar.

"Right now I'm acing commanding officer of the station. I'm wearing red as a result. Though the XO died in the explosion and I was next in line for the position so even after Captain Fannin is back it could be permanent." Anna said. "Depends on how well they think I handled things in his absence I guess."

"You were acting XO before and never switched to red." Jana said as she set the plate with dinner and a small salad in front of Anna.

"That was because then I knew it was only temporary, until the XO got back. I never even used his office then. I am right now so the person I put over ops for now can use that office." Anna answered and took a bit of the potatoes. "You got mom's recipe." She said after the first bite.

Jana smiled and nodded, "I knew she always fixed it when you had the chance to visit." She left off the fact that she also remembered because Anna loved it their dad hated it.

"Thank you for remembering." Anna said.

"How is school going?" She asked as Jana sat down across from her.

"It's going well. They teach subjects here that weren't taught at home but I like them. I have a lot more opportunity to learn some other languages." Jana answered.

"Well if you are interested in any of the ones I know I will be glad to help." Anna said.

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

The two of them continued to discuss their day as they ate their dinner. It was good to have a chance for some calm, at least for now.


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