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Commodore regeneration is now complete

Posted on Fri Nov 26th, 2010 @ 4:36am by Commodore Edward Fannin

583 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Du Monde Clinic
Timeline: Current

Federation Medical Research Center / Du Monde Clinic / Earth

The Third and last surgery had went very well. Ed’s surgeons were first rate and had added years to his life, his lodgings were amazing and the staff very professional. The estate Du Monde was located on cliffs casting a remarkable view of the Aegean Sea. Ed was enjoying a fine Cigar and a welcome glass of Cognac admiring the view from the patio adjoining his private suite, he heard the footsteps of his first visitor. A smile crossed his face, “Admiral Vail, about time you showed up.â€

“Slow but steady, at my age what should I be in such a hurry about Edward? I’m fortunate they didn’t build more stairs on the place. One more flight and I’d have get a room here.†The Admiral sat in a high back leather chair besides Fannin as the porter stepped from the portable bar with what had to be a sour mash beverage of the Admirals choice.

Ed blew out a Blue cloud of smoke. I hope your not here to chase me out just yet, This recuperation could take a few more years really…†Vail chuckle at that. “Those Cigars have gone to your brain Ed. But all else aside your services are required in a diplomatic endeavor. The Federation needs to get some work out of you sometime.â€

Fannin frowned, Both men watched below as several scantily clad nurses played in the pool. Vail cleared his throat, “Yes well I can see your progress has been going well. Speaking with the staff here it seems that your actually better than new Commodore. In One week the Federation will be holding a banquet in Paris. Being the recent medical miracle boy for the Fleet science department your presence has been requested by the hosts of this simple gathering of private investors that have developed the medical engineering that brought you back.â€

Edward stood as the barkeep refilled his snifter… “I have been feeling pretty good lately and should be able to stretch my legs a bit. And the promise of solid food sounds wonderful. I’m hoping to be on my way back to Typhon immediately afterward. I’ve been missing that floating chunk of bolts more everyday.†Ed walked to that small wall overlooking the pool area. The young ladies all gave the Two older men a wave.

“I shall miss this place very much Admiral Vail, It has unbelievable sunsets every night†He was grinning broadly. “Were you able to get that matter about my Senior officer cleared with the Fleet Sir?â€

Vail nodded. “Yes, that wasn’t a problem at all Ed. Our concern is are you able to handle the matter.â€

“Yes I have considered it for some time. The matter needs to be finalized as quickly as possible…..†Fannin jaw was set firmly. “I shall conclude this issue quickly But we are agreed I shall retain overall command, correct? Vail was waving back at the nurses, “Of course Edward, of course. Remember you have a date next week. And you will be on your best behavior. If you screw this up no Doctor will be able to save you… I’ll explain this more in detail after dinner tonight, don’t be late. And bring some of your friends too.†Vail looked down and waved to the girls. “See ya later.â€

Vice Admiral John Vail
Theta Fleet Director of Operations

Commodore Edward Fannin
Commander Task Force 42


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