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Priorty Message

Posted on Fri Nov 26th, 2010 @ 6:53am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson

317 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Typhon Bridge, Captains Terminal
Timeline: Current


The panel blinked the log on for Commander Johnson, Several bridge officers turned when they heard the stepped tones coming from the CO's station...

On Johnsons small screen the image of Commodore Fannin appeared...

"Commodore sir, what can I do for you?" Anna asked.

"Greetings Anna How are things there at the station? I got he message about Commander Jackson. Pass my regards to the Medical section on that one."

"They acted very quickly. There could have been a major epidemic if they hadn't. It seems our senior staff is dropping like flies though." Anna said with a sigh.

"That issue shall be a priority on my return, I should be returning to station very soon. I have a stop in Paris for an engagement, then heading back home. Surgery went very well."

"Glad to hear it." Anna said, "You have been missed here." She added.

"I shall keep you advised of my arrival, I would like to keep it very low key. Admiral Stone has brought some things to my attention regarding a senior officer on the station. There will have to be some major changes on my return."

"What kind of changes?" Anna asked.

"Not at liberty to disclose that at the moment Commander. I'm having one more meeting in Paris regarding the situation. A security leak at this point could jepordise the mission at hand. I would like you to have Commander Krang and a team of his best tactical officers meet me when I arrive."

"As soon as I know you have landed I'll have him meet you." Anna said. "Have a safe trip back sir."

"Thanks, is there anything I can pick up for you on they way home?"

"Some French Roast coffee beans would be great. I'm almost out." Anna said.

"You got it, I'm out for now"


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commander Task Force 42

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer


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