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Posted on Sun Nov 28th, 2010 @ 1:03pm by

255 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Starbase Docking Ring

Skylar sat, perfectly still, as the shuttle landed.

"All ashore." The universal translator translated the English from the pilot's mouth into a language he could understand.

"Odd." Skylar noted.

"What's odd?" The pilot asked.

"I was not aware we were docking with a beach. I was under the impression I was headed to a Starbase called Typhon." Skylar said, with an eyebrow raised.

"Uhm... I mean to say... that is..." The pilot said, completely confused.

Skylar approached the now open hatch, and quirked his other eyebrow. "We have apparently arrived at Starbase Typhon. In the future, you should make sure you understand where it is you are docking."

"What?" The pilot asked.

"It is hazardous to attempt to dock on a Starbase when you are planning on docking on a beach. Different approach patterns, and thruster settings." Skylar noted.

"Are you... insane?" The pilot asked.

"Merely Vulcan." Skylar said with a nod. "It was a good flight. Thank you."

The pilot shook his head. "He doesn't say a word until the last minute of the flight, and it was still a good one. The man is nuts."

"I fail to see how I resemble a cashew." Skylar said, turning with only one eyebrow quirked.

"You know what, Lieutenant Commander Looney Toons, I'm just going to get back in my shuttle, and leave." The pilot noted.

"That is not my name." Skylar noted.

The pilot already closed the door.

"How rude. He did not even say goodbye." Skylar said, as he watched the shuttle take off.


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