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Paris Arrival /Minotar Corporation

Posted on Fri Nov 26th, 2010 @ 5:34pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

466 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Federation HQ, Paris
Timeline: Current


Edward wasn't really prepared at all foe the flight to paris. It was common for subjects with internal injuries to become unstable when being reintroduced to pressurize flight. He had experienced that pain before and had even asked for a mild seditive before flight, which was denied. Captain Jakoc Randall was monitoring Fannins condition at liftoff and seemed confident Ed would be fine. This proved very true as all Ed felt during the trip was a strange dizziness. He was relieved. His mind traveled to Typhon Station. He felt the weight of matters there pressing on him, how could he not have noticed the actions of one standout member of his staff?

Arriving Paris he was greeted by Eldon Howe president of Minotar Holdings, From his briefings with Admiral Vail he knew Minotar was the leader in medical research and had many friends in the Starfleet ranks, not to mention the Federation of Planets. Minotar was old money and it's founder being long gone had amassed a absolute fourtune in planetary mining at the very begining of stellar travel. Minotar was a closely veiled corporation being run by a small board of directors rumored to be family members of it's founder.

Fannin had been the recipient of a few test proceedures regarding infection control and nerve grafting. Although his participation was not voluntary he was the most popular lab rat that had survived the proceedure. This got Edward a ticket to the current Dog and Pony show he would be arriving too this very evening, His strict instructions from Vail where to be charming and answer all questions put to him by any of the Medical staff at the gathering. Days prior to the banquet all of Minotars investors had been brought in and breifed on new proceedures and testing in a wide variety of fields. It was funding needed by Starfleet and the Federation desprately as many other projects were hanging in the balence. So it was a ears open, smiling and healthy Commodore Fannin experience they would recieve.

Being recieved by Mr. Howe was complete with a tour of a research facility and a very plesent lunch of solid food. Ed was indeed the man of the hour as he was greeted as a breakthough in medical science. Edward notied the fast pace of the days events didn't seem to wear him down at all, in fact he was feeling energetic as a thirty year old. Returning to his accomidations to prepare for the banquet he skipped his late afternoon nap and admiried the view from his VIP suite. he made a few calls insuring a shuttle would be standing by after the gala event for his return to Typhon. It would be and interesting evening.

Commodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer Task Force 42


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