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Posted on Sun Nov 28th, 2010 @ 1:38pm by Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster

446 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Docking Bay
Timeline: current


"You look perfectly fine, Sir."

Garrett Foster looked up and forward to the co-pilot, who had obviously been eying him, catching him vainly fixing himself in a mirror.

Garrett didn't know what else to do but smile. "Was that a 'damn, you look perfectly fine... Sir' or 'stop fixing yourself, you look perfectly fine... Sir?'"

A wave of confusion ran up the poor co-pilot's face.

"Uh, never mind. Thank you -- I think" Garrett said, walking back aft into the living area of the runabout.

It had been six days that Garrett had been travelling with his two pilot companions. His last ship, the USS Devonshire, was supposed to transport him in style, but at the last minute she was called in the opposite direction on a new mission. Luckily, there were less than five minutes of the entire trip.


The runabout doors opened to the sight of a young male Lieutenant in operations yellow.

"Lieutenant Aidan Spencer" he said, popping a quick high-five.

"No, Lieutenant Commander Garrett Foster," he said, returning the salute.

Again, a wave of confusion. It seemed to be one of those days.

"I mean I am... I thought..." he said, demonstrating a bit of difficulty on how to read his new boss.

"Listen, Lieutenant. If you can't say what you mean, then you can never quite mean what you say, can you?" Garrett was enjoying this now. The poor Lieutenant didn't know what to make of the man.

"Yes, Sir." The Lieutenant said, smartly, not playing into the Commander's hand.

"So, Mr. Spencer, are we going to be working together, or were you the lucky Lieutenant on wharf detail?"

"No, Sir.. I mean yes, Sir, I'm your Assistant Chief of Operations."

Garrett was taken aback for a moment -- the safety of this station had been hinging on this man for an unknown period of time. Obviously this was one of his poorer first impressions. "Well I look forward to meeting with you. Let me save you from this rather torturous moment. Know where my quarters are?"

"Yes, Sir. It's all on this PADD." Spencer said, handing Garrett the PADD.

"Good. Have someone beam my personal effects from the runabout into my quarters, and we'll meet there for drinks at 1930. I'll need a debriefing on the department and we can start fresh from there."

Spencer eased up a bit, ecstatic that his first impression wasn't lasting. "Sounds good to me, Sir."

"Good -- I have to go meet the old man. Until later, Spencer. Dismissed." Spencer took off toward the runabout like a flash, while Foster left the docking bay for the command center.



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