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A Formal Affair

Posted on Sun Nov 28th, 2010 @ 4:58pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

788 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Federation Ballroom, Paris
Timeline: Current


Fannin stepped onto the Red carpet and kept a staedy pace up the stairs leading to the front archway doors of the giant building. He drew little attention in his Dress Whites as he was a lowly Commodore in a City of enormus Starfleet rank. Edward hoped this engagement would be a short one. He sighed as he walked to the huge recieving line remembering the instructions of Admiral Vail to be on his best behavior. His name was announced at the top of the stairs and he was taken back at the applause he was given considering he was sure he had never meet one person in the room.

The recieving line was long, he kept it light and was surprised so many of the people he met knew of his surgeries and recovery at the De Monde complex. It looked like he wouldn't make it through the entire line before the dinner started, at that moment the tall and very well decorated Admiral Vail appeared at his side.

"Excuse me Comodore, but I would like you to meet our distingushed hosts before dinner", Vail had firmly grabbed Ed's elbow and wisked him to the front of the line... Vail stopped in front of a ravenhaired woman in a floor length Sapphire gown. Cream colored gloves, discrete Diamond Tiara and a small string of Pearls around a long graceful neck.

Vail came to attention, "Your Highness. I would like to present Commodore Edward Allen Fannin, Commander of Starfleet Task Force Fourty Two."

"Commodore I present Her Royal Highness Princess deloran Ugenia Castlemere, Monarch of Castlemere. Our host this evening"

She offered her hand, which was taken in promtly kissed by the bowing awestruck Commodore. Her voice was deep and soft.

"Welcome to Paris Commodore Fannin, we are blessed with your recovery and presence here with us tonight."

Fannin released her hand and standing to full height looked her in the eye. "Thankyou your Highness. I believe I have many to thank in this room for the oppourtunity to see you tonight."

And that was it, she knew it, Ed knew it. In fact everyone even standing close to them saw it happen in the blink of an eye.

Vail again grabbed his lovestruck Commodore and moved him to their table. In the front of the ballroom. Edward was definatly in a haze, Throughout dinner he made eye contact with the Princess several times and felt incredibly weak..

Admiral Vail was very amused as he and many others watch the Two, Princess and Starfleet Commodore cast long gazes towards each other. "Edward, I think you had better make for that shuttle as fast as possible if you plan on being a single man very long."

Edward looked at Vail. "Excuse me Sir, what did you say?"

Vail just laughed, "Nothing Edward, nothing important."

The dinner was over after several speakers gave glowing reports of the progress made by the Minotar Corporation. Of course as the dinner was over the music began. Fannin was up from the table and approaching the head table. On the other end of the hall HRH Princess Deloran Catlemere had the same idea leaving the main table in a flurry of bewildered assistants, her departure towards Fannin resembled a formal fire drill...

The official photgraphers had a field day as they met on the dance floor and watched as in perfect timing the Two danced as if they had been together years.

No words were spoken between them, and few words came from the gathering crowd of guests that knew what they were watching. It was a remarkable event. They danced several songs together until they were joined by the other guests on the floor. They would have remained on that dance floor all night but were finally separted by the Princesses staff.

Fannin bowed once more and took her hand. She pulled him close and wispered, "Stay here. Please don't go." Fannin griped her hand and wispered, "Steady your Highness".

Edward stepped Back. "Thankyou for the wonderfull evening. I shall never forget it. I shall be at your service always. With much regret I must return to my command this evening. I shall await your word."

He was wisked from the ballroom with Admiral Vail and several staff adjutants. The flash of camaras followed them as they departed. The motorcade was pulling up to the shuttle ten minutes later.

After a few words with Vail Edward boarded and was the sole passenger for the long flight. His heart was broken to fragments.

Her Royal Highness Deloran watched as the Man wearing Starfleet dress Whites just left the building with her heart.


Comodore Edward Fannin
Commander, Task Force 42
Enroute to Starbase Typhon


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