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Reporting in

Posted on Mon Nov 29th, 2010 @ 9:31am by Captain Anna Johnson

483 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: XO's Office

Skylar had come across the memo that Commodore Fannin was unavailable, and thusly, as per regulations, headed for the Executive Officer's office, to report in to them. He noted, with some annoyance, that the lift system's timing was out of sync, and that such a massive starbase took much longer to cover than he was used to.

Stepping out of the lift, he walked towards the Executive Officer's Office, stopped, and pressed the door chime, awaiting for an answer.

Anna set down the PADD she was reading as she looked toward the door at the chime, "Enter," She said and waited to see who was on the other side.

Skylar entered, and nodded to Commander Johnson. In traditional Vulcan fashion, he raised his right hand, and did the Vulcan salute. "Peace, and long life, Commander Johnson. I am Lieutenant Commander Skylar, the newly assigned Chief of Engineering."

Anna stood and returned the gesture, "Welcome aboard Commander, please have a seat." She said. "Do you have any questions for me?" She asked.

"I will sit in the seat, but as it is rather hefty, I would rather leave it here, once done with it. However, if you wish it to be removed, I can have one of my staff remove it at your nearest convenience." Skylar said. "As to questions, let's start with why Commodore Fannin is unavailable."

"Have a seat is a Terran phrase that means sit down, I do not want the chair removed from my office." Anna said, "As to why Fannin isn't here there was an explosion on the station and he was close enough to the explosion that he needed major surgery and has been on loa to recover. He should be returning soon however." Anna said.

"It is fortunate that he will be in functional shape in the near future." Skylar said with a nod. "I shall begin preparing a list of various special interest projects to be submitted to the Commodore shortly, and look into the various repair requests as submitted by Starbase personnel. Are there any specific repairs you know of which demand immediate attention?"

"I have been working closely with both operations and engineering to make sure things were kept running until department heads were assigned. Most of what is needed are minor repairs on the station such as malfunctioning replicators. The ships that are currently docked here are repaired until some others come in. Anything other than that if there is anything the current acting chief should be able to update you on that." Anna answered.

Skylar nodded. "This is fortunate. I will actually have time to unpack prior to my first active duty shift. And potentially find time for a physical."

Anna nodded, "If you have no other questions for me you are dismissed." She said as she watched the commander leave.

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineering Officer


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