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Raiders At Work

Posted on Wed Dec 1st, 2010 @ 1:26am by Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

384 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Aurora, Norther Sector, Planet Exeter
Timeline: D-Day plus 2


Otto looked down the scope of his weapon into the kill area, a wide boulevard with high buildings on both sides. Otto continued to watch patiently as a tighly packed company of mercenaries began walking down the street below him.

Otto quietly keyed his COMM, "All Raiders, looks like we have some customers. Standard ambush setup." Otto finished then heard a series of double clicks in response. Otto quickly checked his combat tricorder to do a quick scan of the area to make sure they were all alone and could withdraw quickly. Looking at the tricorder, Otto switched to two remote sensors down in the street and seen the mercs just start to march past. "Almost there... NOW!" Otto ordered into the COMM and hit a button on the tricorder.

Down in the street two loud bangs sounded as the the sensors turned out to be the modern equivalent of the trusty claymore mine shooting crystaline shards in a 120 degree radius from the devices on both sides of the street. The effect was near instantaneous as the head of the merc column was shredded and fell to ground in a heap of cries for help and pain.

Otto looked briefly over at one of his squadmates as he hit a round object on the ground and threw it over the ledge of the roof they were on. The object landed in the tail end of the column and disappeared in a bright green explosion consuming everything it touched. By now the rest of the Raiders were firing into what was left of the column. The air was alive with weapons fire, the Raiders SAWP firing full auto, the steady aimed crack of the unit's Vulcan sniper, and the rest firing at any target that made themselves available.

Then just as soon as it all began it was over, "Fallback to Sierra 3. Tuvall cover for the next ten minutes, your shooting gallery is open." Otto ordered the squad then began running for a stairwell and thinking, "Have to 'borrow' some more Breen plasma rounds for next time. A company decimated in a shade under thirty seconds, not bad for an eight man squad..."


Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp (npc)
32 Squad, 181st Raiders Regiment
Attached to 21st Marines
Played by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg


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