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Tea Time

Posted on Wed Dec 1st, 2010 @ 5:13am by Captain Anna Johnson

718 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Commander Johnson's office

Aeshia frowned, as she approached Commander Johnson's office with a pot of Green Tea, and some crumpets.

She pressed the door chime, and shook her head.

Anna was finishing up the last of what she needed to do before taking the time off that Fannin had told her to take when the chime rang.

"Come in," She said as she signed off on the last thing and placed her monitor in sleep mode.

Aeshia entered and smiled. "Hello Anna lady."

Anna smiled, "Ms. Aeshia it is good to see you. I was going to stop by your place on my way to my quarters now that I have a couple of days off." She said.

"This is good. I bring tea, and crumpets. They are good. You not been by lately. I was worried." Aeshia said.

"With the Commodore off on sick leave and no department head in Ops or Engineering I've been a bit busy." Anna answered clearing a place for them to sit at a table. "Thank you for caring about me. It is appreciated."

"Everyone needs tea and crumpets. It should be a health law." Aeshia said with a nod. "I make sure you not go with out in the future."

Anna smiled and held back a laugh, "I have missed talking with you Aeshia, more than you will ever know."

"This is good." Aeshia said with a nod, as she poured Anna a cup of tea, and then herself. "You need to take time to relax, and let the big man do work once in a while."

"Big man does do work he was just blown almost to bits and had to recover." Anna answered. "I'm going to take a couple of days off and Jana and I are going to get some beach time on the holodeck."

"This sounds good." Aeshia said with a nod. "I have not seen Jana lady much, either."

"She's had a lot of test and has been making sure I've at least been eating a good meal in the evenings. She deserves a break too. She has been a big help for me." Anna said. "I'll be sure to bring her by in the next couple of days."

"This is good." Aeshia said with a nod. "It is quiet without too many people around."

"That should pick up again soon as well." Anna said then tasted one of the crumpets. "I hope you haven't had anyone give you trouble in your shop lately."

Aeshia scowled. "No. No trouble. I not think they dare try. Stories get out fast."

Anna smiled once more, "I'm just glad I can count you as a friend." She said then sipped the tea.

Aeshia smiled, and nodded. "Friends are important. You must keep them close."

Anna nodded, "Especially when they are all the family you have." Anna said.

Aeshia nodded. "That is sad. You have more family than I do around, though. You have Jana lady."

"And our brothers are currently going through the academy, but all we have is each other. Do you have any plans for the holidays?" Anna asked.

"What holidays?" Aeshia asked. "I do not celebrate religions."

"Never mind then just wanted to make sure if you did that you had someone to share them with." Anna said.

Aeshia shrugged. "There are other reasons to spend time with friends than celebrate traditions with them."

"True enough, I just wanted to be sure you weren't alone if you did." Anna said, "We can still get together soon if you want."

Aeshia smiled, and nodded. "This sounds good."

Anna finished her tea and smiled, "I think I'm going to enjoy that time off now. Would you like me to walk you back to your place?" Anna asked.

"No, this is good. You must sleep. You go to bed. Right now." Aeshia said with a frown.

"And when I get up again I'll come by for some of your spring rolls." Anna replied.

Aeshia nodded. "I go now. You sleep well." Aeshia said with a nod, as she headed for the door.

Anna took the rest of the crumpets to her quarters for Jana. She had a real smile on her face for the first time in a while.

Commander Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Aeshia Dew
Tea Nazi
Starbase Typhon


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