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Visiting Engneering

Posted on Tue Nov 30th, 2010 @ 1:03pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

724 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Main Engineering Deck
Timeline: Current


Fannin had been having a pretty smooth shift since taking the bridge. It was in the middle of the Dog watch, Quite a few officers had come up to him welcoming him back to the station. There was very little traffic in the bays and the bridge crew was first rate so Edward decided to take a stroll down to Engineering to see if he could catch his new Chief Engineer. The station was starting to come to life as the main duty shift was shaking out.

After several minutes he arrived in main engineering. It was a large section and extremely busy at all times. Most of the crew here paid Fannin little attention as they were truely to busy to to be bothered with the CO...

Edward Stopped a a crewman. "Excuse me, seen the chief engineer today?

The Crewman recognised Fannin after a few blinks. "Captain... Ah,, I don't know where he is but I sure know he's here Sir." The crewman had a paniced look on his face, and it wasn't due to Fannins appearence on this deck.

"Very well get on with it. I sure don't want to get you in a jam." he patted the crewman on the shoulder. The young man took off like a shot across the deck towards a transient corridor. Fannin continued on his walk. He saw a few Officers in the distance gathered around a broken speed pallet half buried in a interior bulkhead, That might be interesting to checkout...

Skylar approached the broken speed pallet, with an eyebrow raised. "Would any of you care to clarify as to why a Class IV High velocity anti-gravity transport pad is embedded within a bulkhead?"

"Commodore on deck." An Ensign a short distance away noted.

Skylar, and the gaggle around the embedded anti-grav, turned around, and stood at attention.

"At ease gentlmen, Please carry on...." Fannin bent over interested in the demolished speeder.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow at Fannin. "We were not carrying it in the first place. In fact, we were trying to explain why it is embedded in a bulkhead, I believe." Skylar said, with a look at the group of Engineering officers.

"Ensign Lenolen, sir." One of the Lieutenants noted. "He was trying to set a speed record with it."

Fannin looked at his Vulcan Chief Engineer. ~Wonder how he's gonna respond to that one~

"The current speed record for a Mark IV Speed anti-grav is less than 15 Kilometers per hour. I am certain, if he was seeking excitement, that it would be available, in faster, and more exciting quantities on the holodeck. Get this cleaned up. I will handle Ensign Lenolen's disciplinary plans later." Skylar said with a nod.

He turned to Commodore Fannin. "Now that the pressing issue is set aside, what can I help you with, today, Commodore?"

"I am here to meet you, Chief Engineer Skylar."

"And so you have done. It is a pleasure to meet you, Commodore." Skylar said with a nod. "I am certain, however, that your schedule is rather busy, so my logical and analytical thoughts tend to indicate that you have ulterior motives to your visit. Would you care to elaborate?"

"Yes you are correct, I need you to know you have my full support an that I am never too busy to confer with my staff."

"I do not require support to continue standing, and I am sure, that as the Station Commanding Officer, there will, indeed, be times you will be too busy to hold conferences with members of you staff." Skylar said, with a quirked eyebrow.

"You may infer so commander, but that theory has been tested and proven unfounded. I shall look forward to your report on this incident Commander." Fannin walked back towards the lift station quickly to avoid more of the Vulcan doublespeak.

"I was unaware that this was a test, merely a statement about the human limitations regarding the amount of items they can pay attention to at one time, in moments of crisis." Skylar said, with a raised eyebrow. He turned back to the embedded speed transport pad, and watched the Engineering crew remove it with a quiet expression. He then wandered off, once the issue was properly addressed.


Commodore Edward Fannin
Just some random Nutjob

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Just another random Nutjob.


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