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Fannins New Shoes

Posted on Tue Dec 7th, 2010 @ 11:38am by Commodore Edward Fannin

634 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Fannins Quarters
Timeline: Current


Fannin had been stumbling around his quarters since his return. Something didn't seem right. He was aware of what it was but refused to speak of it. he missed the Princess very much....

A cigar firmly locked into his jaw he moved around making a few notes... This place would need some professional help.

::Commander Skylar, please report to Compartment 2001 on the command deck::

Skylar arrived at the Commodore's quarters, and pressed the chime. He pondered what the Commodore's intentions were, however, as he had a staff larger than the crew of most Starships, and two projects going, since operations was running the Starbase's internal repairs. The internal job of setting up a transporter network for security was still in the contemplative state, and the external job of setting up, and maintaining, a fleet construction and repair depot was at the 'The part needed for just about everything should be ready by Tuesday' state. Shaking his head, he cleared the thoughts from it, and awaited to be invited onto the premises.

Fannin opened the door, "Skylar, that was quick. Please enter. I had some things I needed to discuss with you about my quarters."

"I was testing a new system." Skylar said with a nod. "We've got most of the problems worked out, but it does leave one slightly nauseated. How can I be of assistance?"

"If your not well commander perhaps you should visit the sick bay."

Skylar shook his head. "Transporter systems may be a personal specialty, but they do make me a little nauseated. Shall we continue with the issue at hand?"

"Yes, I need your Vulcan mind wrapped around renivating my quarters, I would like to enlarge the kitchen area and a loft area in this mass of wasted space." Fannin waved to the high ceilings.

"The loft area would need a good size bedroom, dressing room and closet space... oh and another bathroom, with a tub if possible. I have checked the deck blue prints and this rear wall here can be taken out and a Dining room put in that was capable of Ten guests."

"This is approximately two weeks worth of work." Skylar said with a raised eyebrow. "Do you have specific plans in mind, or shall I hire on an interior decorator?"

"I may have a decorator arriving soon, But the structural changes could be made. I think I'll be leaving the decor to someone else."

Skylar nodded, and took in the vast area of space. Fannin was right. It was a large amount of wasted space. "With your permission, I will have the quartermaster assign you a temporary resting place, so I can get to work immediately. I must say, Commodore Fannin, this is an entertaining, and mentally engaging project. I look forward to seeing the final results."

"Very well, I leave the construction to you Skylar. Let my know were to move to and this site is ready."

Skylar nodded. "I will do so, the moment it is complete." He said with a nod. He hit a button on a PADD, and nodded. "The quartermaster has been tasked with assigning you a temporary resting place."

"Smartly done Commander, and I hope your feeling better."

"It will pass, shortly." Skylar said with a nod. "I will go and collect staff members who clearly have nothing to do. It is not hard to find them."

"Very well then. I need a nap now Commander Skylar, Have fun, or whatever you do while gathering Engineers"

"I would not quantify it as fun, but the report of where, precisely, I found these individuals, and what they are doing with their time, should be, at the very least, mildly entertaining." Skylar said with a nod.


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer, Task force 42

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Interior Decorator?


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