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Battle of Aurora

Posted on Tue Dec 7th, 2010 @ 12:12pm by Major Erwin Reynolds [John] & Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Sergeant Major Shran van-Zee [von Hackleburg] & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm]

1,094 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter Landing Day Four
Timeline: Nautical Twilight/ early Morning


Major Parino was checking the defencive line, Sergeant Major Varnic was close behind him. He had Seventy Marines dug in well with interlocking fields of fire. Varnic had assured the Major the artillary support had the entire area covered in case he was over run.

The tactical situation favored his positions as the rest of the 21st Marines were driving a few thousand commandos right for him. They had probed his line a few times during the night from a large wooded area but no attack so far. Varnic advised him that once the marines on the other side attacked the commandos would have to come straight at them for a breakout... It was getting light out. Most of the Marines Major left him were the most experienced of the Frist and Third battalion so he had a good crew, but their was a ton of commandos out there... It was a waiting game.

Erwin Reynolds squads had joined the second battalion during the night. With sergeant Knight out getting repaired he saw to the resuppliy of the company and called for another from Captaian Fletcher. The First company arrived tired but ready under the command of Lt. Sparks, Sparkes was a good staff officer but new to combat. She was calm and ready to go.

Major Reynolds found the Colonels location on the line of the Second battalion for a quick meeting before closing the vice first thing in the morning.

"Good morning Colonel"

Wilhelm looked up from his tactical map and a cup of coffee "Good morning Major. Ready to play the hammer?"

"Brought another company up just to make sure I could hold up my side of the line. Captain Flectchers digging in good and has our backs in case they move out of the city. We're starting to see masses of refugees now. Most are in tough shape."

Wilhelm replied, "I bet. I heard from our Raiders. They're moving to meet up with Parino since those refugees are starting to get into kill zones for their smash and bashes. Those Raiders were worth every string I had to pull, they reported inflicting nearly 500 casualties ever since they landed and they still have some good ordance left."

"Are there any Commando's left to tell the tale. Whats the plan for the morning Sir?"

"At first light C Company on the left and your Company on the right, with skirmishers on the flanks out even further, will advance 200 meters before the main line will start their advance. Our formation will be in a bowl formation herding any Commandos towards Parino and his defences. Parino will have first call on any fire support from the arty and air. Hopefully we can bag the majority of what these mercs have left in the city. If we run into any very serious resistance we'll adjust the line and tactics if necessary."

"Sounds like those commando's are in for a early Marine wakeup call... I'll check comms when I get the word to move Sir. Good luck to you."

"And to you Major. See you on the other side." Wilhelm finished.

It was late when Reynolds returned to his lines. He had 222 Marines, they had slept and taken on extra ammo and rations. They would be ready at dawn. Erwin laid back and closed his eyes..

"Sergeant Major!" Wilhelm called over to van-Zhee. "Get the boys ammo'd and to bed and get yourself onto a bedroll." The Sergeant Major replied, "Yes sir, but if I may say so you need to bed down to. You've been awake for nearly 24 hours. We'll get the troops settled." Wilhelm replied with a grin and brought himself to attention and saluted, "Aye aye Sergeant Major." Wilhelm said, which brought a rare smile to van-Zhee's face.

On the other side of the city Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp and his squad made their way slowly to Parino's postion. Going from cover to cover they came to a large open space and ducked down low. "First is up there in the darkn..." Otto then seen a very brief flash, "...Someone just broke EMCON," emission control, "...They're right up there." Otto said pointing towards the field. "Saker," Otto said looking at his Vulcan sniper. "You and your spotter find a nice spot out here to watch the show and give some support. The rest of us are gonna setup some surprises out in that field after we report into the First." Otto then took out a palm light and put a purple filter on it and pointed it towards the First's positions. Otto clicked the light three times and waited, then repeated it. After a minute Otto said "Must be asleep over ther..." Otto quit as he seen a small red light flash four times. Otto sent four clicks then led his squad across the field.

After reaching the First's positions Otto went up to a Private holding a palm light and said, "Where's your Battalion CO?"

"Major is up this path a bit. he just woke up."

"Thank you Private." Otto said then led the squad up the trail past some more breastworks with marines hard at work. Coming up to the command tent, Otto steps into a flury of activity and walks up to a man with the burnished bronze oak leaves of a Major. "Major Parino? I'm Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp, Raider Squad. We've come to help fortify your postion a little bit sir."

Jerry turned to see the familar face of sergeant krupp. "Heard you may be paying us a visit from Major Reynolds. Also word that your raiders have been busy."

Otto actually blushed a little bit, "Well we do love our work sir. We were in the neighborhood and thought we'd drop off some presents..." Otto said then hefted a satchel he was holding full of explosives and ordanance. "Mind if my men and I get started in case we have some early birds on the other side of the line?"

"Be my guest. I will be a hot place come morning, I'm sure of that."

"Very good sir. We'll get started right away, I got a couple of explosive strings I want to setup to see if I can beat my old record. After that we'll catch a little cat nap."

"Sounds good sarge, have at it. I'm gonna drop off for a few myself."


Major Erwin Reynolds
1st Battalion, 21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
3rd Battalion, 21st Marines

Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad, 181st Raiders Regiment


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