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early to rise early to start

Posted on Mon Jan 4th, 2010 @ 4:20pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

537 words; about a 3 minute read

Location: Captain's office
Timeline: current

"Good morning Captain Fannin, and I appreciate your seeing me so quickly." Mike walked into the Captain's office and looked around discreetly. "I will get straight to the point, You have two Wallace escorts assigned to your station and I would like to get my Cadets on one of them as often as possible. They are all capable in their field to fill in for crew, but I would also like to get them assigned in areas they have some training but are not qualified completely, to assist regular crew." Mike spoke slowly and quietly giving his explanation as spoke so the Captain had some information to base his decision on.

Ed was glad this program was off to such a quick start, he sat acrossed from Mike and liked what he was hearing. "You shall be assigned the use of USS Odin, Of course you shall have a few patrol duties that will have to be maintained for protection of the Starbase. With the Fighter group here you shouldn't have any problems getting the Time you need with your Cadets."

"Thank you Sir, I really appreciate your co-operation, is a lot to ask especially on a new base and all. I will be hitting up your departments heads as well." Mike smiled as spoke, "Not many know this but these youngsters came up with this idea, and petitioned the Academy to do this. They also asked for me to be their mentor. I hope they don't regret that! This is suppose to be an educational experince and it will be."

"I have plans for them to work in every department and with the fighters as well. I believe this will be better then a Senior cruise as far as an education is concerned. I will be curious to see what they think at years end?" Mike waited a moment "Plus any areas you want some extra bodies just let me know and we will take care of that as well. I imagine Engineering has a lot to do at the moment?"

"Yes there very busy, security is the most overloaded."

Mike smiled "Excellent, A few night shift walk-abouts will burn up some of their energy! I will see if I can get them added into the duty roster. They are a talented bunch and the more varied we can make this years experience the better. Thank You Sir, I am sure I will be seeing you around." Mike waited to see if there was anything else before taking his leave.

"Keep me in the loop commander, I 'm looking forward to seeing these folks at work."

"Yes Sir, will do." Mike stepped back then turned to leave. Once outside he breathed a sigh of relief that had gone better then expected. Security was his main focus so this was going to be easier then he had expected here in the beginning. Mike had feared they would need the most help in Science, where he was weakest. As he walked toward his next visit he thought of all the Cadet's Lee Quan was ore of a Scientist already then he would ever be.


Captain Edward Fannin
Starbase typhon commander

Lieutenant Commander Mike Hawkins
USB Typhon


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