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Finding the Drone

Posted on Mon Jan 4th, 2010 @ 4:04pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

287 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Searching for The Drone
Location: Grid 124865.5, Elevation 1247
Timeline: Current


Ty Seven was in a good spot. The Drone was 300 meters below him and could be seen clearly through his Heads up display. He had been watching around it for over an hour. It was definitely Romulan in design and looked like it landed very hard. As the sun creased he began moving towards it. Scanning for any residual radiation and possible traps he was standing be side the Three meter long object. It appeared to have some damage prior to it's re-entry. Ty thought perhaps it had caused it's unscheduled arrival planet side. This type of drone was used for continuous orbital data gathering, something went wrong...

He had set out several seismic sensors before he got started and was comfortable with security.. He grabbed his tools and before long had removed several panels and removed a few main crystal chips from the Targeting system. A few assorted logic modules and some interesting looking transmission devise he hadn't seen before. He bagged these items up and took a break. The daytime temp was beginning to get higher than he would have thought, but it wasn't uncomfortable. He was noticing an abundance of insects flying about. Common variety pests... His animal friends had lost interest in him shortly after he had left the drop zone.

By nightfall he had buried spread and destroyed all of the drone.. he established a campsite in the treeline and was settling in when he heard a soft growl, almost a clatter. He froze then picked up his Hud and started scanning. He didn't pick anything up on IR but still could hear it getting closer. Reptilian in origin he thought and grabbed his TR....


Ty / Seven
USB Typhon


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