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The entire Starbase, the man said?

Posted on Wed Dec 29th, 2010 @ 12:29pm by

635 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Engineering.

Skylar stood in front of the holo-projector, carefully examining parts of the scan, looking for reds, and yellows.

He touched something here, and issued a repair order. Touched something there, and decided that the corroded deck plate on deck 12 had no serious fault, and wasn't about to snap in two, so he pressed the the ignore/report when serious issue detected button.

"Commander Skylar, sir?" Chief Warrant Officer Bobgdonovich.

"Yes, Chief Warrant Officer?" Skylar asked, as he turned around.

"Uhm, there's a work order for an EPS conduit in the docking ring." Sirgei said.

"And...?" Skylar asked.

"Well, that has already been closed, sir. That was the part of the docking ring that was blown up a while back." Sirgei said.

Skylar called up the repair orders for the section in question, and nodded. "Yes. These are all freshly repaired. I will close them all. Please inform all the work teams in the area."

Sirgei nodded. "Yes, sir."

Skylar nodded, and then returned his attention to the holo-projector.

He called up the science section next. Three internal sensors, several external sensors, and fourteen doors were either red or yellow. He refrained from scowling. "Three repair teams to the science department, immediately. Work orders coming in now."

He shook his head. "The Chief Science Officer is going to complain very loudly, when he discovers how behind the repairs are in that section."

Skylar shook his head again, and then slowly moved on to the next section. This was going to take a great deal of time.

Slowly, methodically, he moved on to the next section, and patiently tapped the next section, and then the next. And then the next. His mind somehow side-tracked itself, and he stared at the display, without thinking about it.

I wonder what Raven is doing. He thought to himself. The thought came, unbidden, and he could not seem to get his mind off the subject of Raven, once it tripped across it..

"Uhm... Lieutenant Commander?" An Ensign asked.

"Yes, Ensign?" Skylar asked, turning his attention from the display.

"You are just kind of staring at the screen. Are there no work orders needed on it?" The Ensign asked.

Skylar shook his head. "I apologize. My thoughts were elsewhere. If you have no other duties, than to harass your Section Chief, Ensign, I can assign you double work shifts for the next several days."

The Ensign's eyes bulged slightly. "Uh. No sir, I'm just on break, sir."

"Dismissed, Ensign." Skylar said with a nod, and turned his attention back to the holo-viewer.

What am I going to cook for Raven, later on?
What should I wear?
Where should we have dinner?
What does she expect of me, during this dinner event?
What time should we have dinner?

He staggered back slightly, not expecting the deluge of unknown, and new thoughts.

"Are you alright sir?" The Ensign asked.

Skylar gave her a single look. Just one.

She swallowed hard, and nodded. "Double duty shifts. Yes sir." She said, and looked up the next work order on her list.

Skylar shook his head, as she left.

What kind of restaurant would Raven like?
Would this be a more logical manner for which to do this?
Would this make Raven uncomfortable?

Skylar stared at the screen. Carefully, he extricated his mind from this unique new workspace. He took a deep breath, and focused on the job at hand. He pressed the new section, and called up the first sub-section.

Maybe I should find a bottle of champagne?

Skylar sighed. Quite loudly. It was going to be a long shift.


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer

Chief Warrant Officer Sirgei Bobgdonovich

Various Engineering NPCs


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