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Posted on Sun Jan 2nd, 2011 @ 12:02am by Major Erwin Reynolds [John]

669 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: City of Aurora
Timeline: Present


Sergeant Major Knight was also standing erect, couldn't carry his equipment but walking. he left the med tent and met up with his new sniper. Still groggy from the meds they jumped in a Margo and took off for the Lines,,

"So, I looked over the map's and I'm sure you can use my help. But after looking at it again, Are they well armed or just skilled to hold you back for so long in some spot's. What kind of support do they have?"

Rick thought for a minute, "The terrain and the fact there's One Hundred and Forty Thousand of them and Seven hundred of us."

Well that will do it . so how many sniper's do you have? Dom said softly

"Now that your here we have One."

"Well that some big shoes to fill so do you know what there going to do with me
Minus sniping more as to who will I be working for."

"My guess is the Colonel will put you on at Headquarters so you'll be handy in case he needs you."

"OH fun, I never like being with HQ never had any good luck when I'm with them.
Well....... oh well just mean's I'll have to on the look out even more" Dom said smiling .

"When we get up here to the unit I'll send you out to find a spotter if you care to have one, if we're lucky you may find a few good marksmen to train up while we have so many targets. Good opportunity for it."

"First I do not need a spotter and seconded I could train some but there is some thing they would have to sit down and learn first. If they tried what I do on the battlefield, they will be killed with out learning before hand. However, simple shooting I have no problem with and I could us some extra skilled shooter for some defensive tactics." Dom said as she studied the land on the map.

"Very well Then. We'll see what we come up with."

Dom did not say any thing to his comment she just kept studying the map.

They reached the line and Knight and the sniper walked into a storefront full of sleeping Marines. He saw Major Reynolds talking with a group of forward observers. The Major looked over to the Sergeant.

"About time you got back to work, they told me you had a nasty neck wound" Erwin was checking out Ricks bandage.

"Really not as bad as it looks Sir, but hey I did get us a new sniper. So it wasn't a wasted trip to the med tent at all." Rick pointed to Corporal Granter...

"Sir Corporal Granter Domanacola reporting for duty sir". Dom said sharply as she snapped to attention

"At ease Corporal, do you have any Recon experience?"

"Yes sir four years worth in every type environment it just so happens to be a part of my job sir "

Reynolds waved him over to the Map. There's a low mountain range here. One of the Federations Infiltration Agents is out there somewhere with a group of children and a few partisans. I need a recon man to find them and bring them in. The Agents name is Ty Seven. He's very good, and will probably find you before you find him. At any rate, you could scope out the surrounding areas and radio back any concentrations of Merc's you see out there."

"roger that sir when do i move out sir "

"Download this map and get your supplies, I could use you out there as soon as your ready. My guess it will take you a few days to scope the whole area out."

Dom downloaded the map she need then turned and left the tent after making sure she had enough supplies for about a week and a half she disappeared in to the night.


Major Erwin Reynolds
First Battalion, 21st Marines

Corporal Domanacola De Granter
Marine sniper
21st Marines


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