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The Line shall Hold

Posted on Sat Dec 25th, 2010 @ 8:31am by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg & Major Erwin Reynolds [John] & Master Sergeant John Deal & Sergeant Major Shran van-Zee [von Hackleburg] & Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp [Wilhelm] & Master Warrant Officer Charles Willey [Wilhelm]

4,490 words; about a 22 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: City of Aurora
Timeline: Late afternoon

::ON:: lead us out Colonel, we ain't done yet!

It was starting to get dark out and getting very quiet along the lines as both sides took a momentary sigh of relief. Wilhelm was riding in a FOXL compiling names to to send to the Corp for the "We regret to inform you..." forms. Wilhelm was hardly startled at all when the turret gunner of the vehicle fired his 20 mm machine gun at a target briefly. A few minutes later the vehicle skidded to a stop and Wilhelm got out and ran up to Major Reynold's. "Major, I got a new plan. We're gonna need every Marine on the planet that is fit enough to fire a weapon and I've been talking to the Gladius."

John over heard and moved slowly over and looked at his CO. "We'll help out with what ever it takes Colonel. We're tired, drained, and mourning, but I'll whip them back into fighting form." He was suffering as well, but he would swallow the pain and forget it all.

Reynolds smiled, "Whats the Plan, I have sixty men that can stand."

Wilhelm pulled out a map of the city all colored in with positions with Reynolds and Deal looking on, "What we're going to do, as soon as it gets dark enough. Is we're going to have every available Marine in the rear areas get on our line. We'll leave a few of our vets here to bolster their defences then we're going to attempt a double envelopment in the dark. Use our smaller numbers to our advantage, and lay siege to them in the city center. We've tried pushing them out toe to toe and failed now it's time for something else." Wilhelm said.

"Essentially this plan calls for speed and secrecy. First off, starting within one hour I want our EWAR boys to start jamming every form of communication in this city for four hours, anything longer and we've failed. Next the MAS Gladius is going to unleash their bombardment drones in this area between Parino and their main force creating a no-man land. Being that they sent over a thousand troops through this area it should be relatively clear of civilians. Next, we'll screw silencers on our weapons and use enforced EMCON," emission control, "...and I'll take two Companies of the Second and you'll have your Company and one from the Second and we'll take our forces and flank around both sides of their main force and dig in using these aqueducts as lines of defence. If for any reason one of us run into serious trouble we'll have to fallback and think of something else. Since COMMs will be jammed fire two red star clusters and haul it. Parino will move what's left of his force and meet us here and dig in." Wilhelm said pointing at the map. "If we pull this off right we'll get your Artificers up here pronto with whatever is left of our heavy weaponry and establish effective fields of fire to pen them into this twelve block area. Once they are effectively sealed in we'll level any warehouse or large buildings capable of holding the massive amounts of supplies they've got to have, plus drop these bridges in these five spots across the aqueduct and we should have them effectively sealed in. Questions?" Wilhelm then looked at Master Sergeant Deal, "Ohh by the way Sergeant Major van-Zhee got injured bad enough to be medevacd. Want the First Sergeant spot?"

"If you need me as your First Sergeant, then I'll take the job," John said, quietly. He never knew when or where his promotions would come, but this one had him for a shock. "Just let me know where you want me and the five I have left alive and able to fight."

"Wilhelm this is blackheart just reached the center of town I am sending pictures of what going on is there any special orders as of now."

"Stay quiet Blackheart and observe. Don't reveal your location until daylight if you spot anything important let us know till then." Wilhelm said.

"Roger that sir also was there any info put out when I was off the net"

"Only that we are going to resume operations within a couple of hours just keep quiet. If you see a pair of red star clusters open fire at available targets because we're in trouble then. Out." Wilhelm said then turned to the group. "EWAR boys will start in one hour. We'll start our pincer movements within two hours. Get to your men and brief them and get a nap and some chow. Remember total silence no explosives. If you encounter any Commando patrols just let them by and we'll take care of them later. The objective is to surround their main force." Wilhelm finished.

Reynolds and Parino set off to gather as many Marines as they could, by Midnight they had 191 fit for duty, shotguns, pistols and grenades...and a bunch of first aid kits.

** Jump Off Time**

Captain Fletcher had moved her company up and sent a few more squads of Marines to Reynolds and Parino bringing their unit up to 300... Reynolds had his men ready to go and armed up with Jerry's Marines backing him up. They were traveling light with a good supply chain of ammo. Spirits were high as they all wanted to get to work. The older hands told the rookies the more they trapped the less they would have to hunt down later...

Major Reynolds called the boss. "First and Third are on line Sir, ready to move."

"Good Major. Our diversion should be starting momentarily." Wilhlem said then looked at what was left of the Second's company and platoon commanders. "Remember avoid their patrols if possible and get to your positions on our new line ASAP and dig in tighter then ticks. If we miss some of their troops we'll just hunt them down later. One last thing. Maintain EMCON at all costs, anyone who does not will be brought up on charges if we survive that;s why you've been issued silencers." Wilhelm finished then looked as his watch.

Otto looked over the breastworks onto the field in front of them where a thousand mercs charged their position. In the treeline farther out he could see a little too much movement. Opening his combat tricorder he did a scan and his jaw dropped. Over two thousand Commandos were preparing to attack. "Good thing it'll never happen." Otto thought as he heard a very loud high pitch whine over head.

Otto watched as the first bombardment drone opened it's bay and started releasing high powered photon and tri cobolt bombs over the forrested area. Soon the drone was joined by others. Otto silently oohhed and aahhed at the destruction that the drones were causing and yet on top of it all Otto was sure he heard screams of pain and terror.

Two minutes later Otto readied himself and advanced with the First Battalion towards the mass destruction in the forest, Otto could see the the bombardment start to walk towards the heart of the city though Otto knew it would only last until the outskirts of the city. Entering the forrested area Otto seen what could only be described as a no man's land of total destruction. Otto was jolted as a hand grabbed his ankle. Otto looked down at what was left of a being that said in a painfilled voice, "Kill me...please.." Otto aimed his weapon.

Wilhelm looked toward the destruction of the bombardment. "That's our queue!" Wilhelm said then started toward his meetup with the flank of the First.

With a silenced pistol and a hand scanner Reynolds took off at a low run followed by Marines at a Ten Second interval. He was moving fast and had a long way to go. The bombardment to his left was a real show stopper for the Merc's massed for attack.... After about Seven blocks the line slowed as they could look down side streets and see commandos walking around between buildings. Erwin figured they were digging in. The drones would drive them out soon enough.

As the line of Marines snaked out to its full length Marines silently built positions as fast as the could. Major Parino had stopped about half way around to make sure that his section of the Pincer was ready for anything. A few machine guns were brought up, Erwin didn't have many, but they lots of ammo for them... Thirty Five minutes had gone by and he had curved around to meet the Colonel, they had to be close as there had been no firefights yet..

Wilhelm snaked out the Second along their new line running parallel to an aqueduct only once did he hear a small pufft of weapons fire. Running low, Wilhelm moved from building to building. Wilhelm finally made it, with his HQ group, to a lonely intersection where they were supposed to meet up with the Third. Wilhelm took out his palm light and put a purple filter on it and flashed it four times at a window in a building. A green light blinked two times and Wilhelm turned back to his group. "Fortify this building." Wilhelm ordered then went to go meet up with the Third. The encirclement went off without a hitch Wilhelm thought but could they hold it. Wilhelm thought. "All air and arty units, begin your bombardment." Wilhelm said into his COMM. He knew very soon every warehouse and building capable of holding a large amount of supplies would be demolished within the hour. "...And get those armed convoys and Artificers going we need to get dug in good and tight plus resupplied with the rest of our heavy weapons."Wilhelm then said then thought "Now when can we get some more Marines on the ground."

"Break break Wilhelm I got heavy movement toward your frontline and your flanking unit's be very carefully they are moving in groups of 100 pac's plus armored vehicles I will be opening fire when get half way between you and me."

Wilhlem looked over at his rocket crews and heavy machine/phaser guns and smiled, "Very well, Blackheart." Wilhelm then sent to Regiment wide and told them what Blackheart said. "Reynolds get those Artificer's in gear we got fortifications that needed to be up yesterday."

Reynolds men were digging like steam shovels tossing anything they could in in front of them for cover. His company was the last to arrive completing the encirclement, Parino's men were looking very good and had the cover a of a viaduct..

"We're looking good here even have some demo out... let them come." Reynolds made one more sweep through the line. His Marines were ready, or at least as ready as they could be..

Wilhelm you got about ten mikes before both enemy units' are visible just take care of the personnel on the ground I got the vic's

Dom looked down to the front to vic's heading for the front line's first. Dom took here shoot's killing the personnel in the vic's but as soon as she went to acquire her next target's something unexpected happened the building took heavy fire ."Wilhelm I'm comper" the COM's went silent.

John looked up from his own digging when he heard the coms die. "Keep em digging son," he said looking at the younger Corporal who was next to him. He climbed out the back of the emplacement and started moving slowly, his Dominion style weapon held at the ready. He passed more Marines digging, and some placing claymores and others phase grenades
set to explode with proximity. Kneeling he looked at his CO and shook his head. "Nothing's going to get her back, all we can do is wait and watch. My men are almost done setting up their defensive positions, if you want us to move forward and extract, we can try." Looking at the lines of men around him he sighed. "Seven men are easier to hide then seven hundred all charging for the same building."

Wilhelm thought for a second then said to Deal, "Pick three men and see if you can get her out. You should be able to slip in quietly." Wilhelm then thought "Well they know about this section of the line." Wilhelm then turned to his setup rocket and heavy weapon crews. "Wait till they get to within 500 meters then open fire. Rear guard units keep your eyes open we don't want some patrol to sneak up on us trying to get home."

Reynolds was moving down his line. He came upon several Marines who were laughing. "Hey you guys better keep it down or your gonna draw some fire." A tall Marine looked over at Reynolds and smiled.

"Sir, hard not to laugh at these fools, watch..." The Marine pointed at a low wall Thirty feet in front of them. Reynolds scanned and saw there was a human heat source behind the wall, it was holding a weapon. After several minutes the merc jumped over the wall and was crawling towards their position. The marines started giggling as he crawled right up to their trench.

As the merc was about to look down on them the tall Marine grabbed him buy the shirt and pulled him down into the hole. His partner took the mans gun while rendering him unconscious with a punch to the side of his neck.

"That's Six Major... these guys just don't get it. There's a bunch more over there waiting to break out..."

Major Parino was dealing with a sticky issue with a few of the replacements, he had to take a few off the line as they were just too nervous and could jeopardize their position. The squad leader wasn't happy to be short Marines but Jerry convinced him those Marines wouldn't be of any help anyway on the line. "Those Three will be moving wounded for us. If they don't buck up as the fight starts I'll let the Colonel deal with them later." Jerry didn't envy them at all if the Colonel had to talk to them..

Otto and his squad were carefully moving through the besieged section of town, having been released from the line by the Colonel. Seeing movement in a 15 story building Otto brought the squad to an immediate freeze. Slowly and carefully the squad got to cover and Otto started to scan the building. "Merc, merc, and more merc's. Valid target." Otto said with a smile to the rest quietly. For the next hour the Marines spread out to observe their target and could hear weapon's fire coming from their own lines. Afterwards the squad met up to discuss their options. "Well the only way in quietly is through a service entrance that doesn't look guarded. Other then that..." One of the marines said. "Once we get in we play demo crew." Otto said. "Neutralize the bottom floor, set charges, and watch it come down. No room to room fighting." The squad setup for the service entrance and spotted 2 lookouts. "Tuvall...Take them." Otto said then started to run making sure a silencer was on his weapon as he heard two sharp cracks from their Vulcan sniper. Reaching the door the marines lined up on both sides of it as one of them knocked it down and another threw in two stun grenades. After the muffled thumps the marines went in spraying weapons fire. Securing the bottom floor without waking up the rest of the building, Otto and another marine went to work placing high powered det packs. Within ten minutes the marines exited the building and went to ground. Otto could start to hear some yelling from the building and hit the detonator. In a flash of fire and dust the bottom of the building blew out taking the rest of the building with it.


John had moved out as soon as he had gotten the word, and grabbed three. He promised his shaky Corporal that he'd come back as soon as possible, and his fire team took off into the streets. They moved from building to building, waiting for the shot that never came towards them. As they neared the building that Blackheart was laying on, he looked around. The mercs were laughing and taking pot shots at someone they couldn't see, but knew was up there. They were tempting the sniper to peek out and try to take another shot. Waving his team back, he watched, waiting for any of them to come close enough. A knife, from his hip, felt heavy in his hand, but didn't sing, or even cause the Merc that had backed into John to even be able to cry out as it ran across his neck. Laying the body down he shook his head, war was never easy. The man didn't look any older than fifteen, and it was a sight he was sure was going to bother him for the rest of his life. He just added that face to the rest that haunted his dreams.

An open face of a wall faced John and his team now, and they looked for an easy way to get in. Looking around, he noticed three more Mercs, all fitting either himself or his teams body descriptions. They were moving in separate directions, and wouldn't allow him any way to take them, then their clothing to get inside the building. This area had roofs that were closer together, and that gave him a better idea. "With me," he mouthed to his men as they entered a building that wasn't so heavily looked at, or hit. They ran into the building, and started up the stairs, making sure that no one was going to spot them walking down. Claiming the roof after ten long minutes of waiting, walking, and hiding in the shadows, they were six roof tops away from the snipers position. -^-Blackheart, we're coming over roof top, if you hear me please don't shoot me.-^- He didn't know if her comms still worked, but he was praying they did as he ran, then jumped from building to building. He watched as his team did the same, then they repeated the process. No one shot at them, and they were a building away, looking at the nest that Blackheart had made for herself. "Best bet is to drop a frag or two, and hope that they're running scared when we take the last hop."

Looking behind him, he was handed three frag grenades. Looking at the weapon he sighed, and started the timer of one, and threw it as hard as he could into the throng of enemies, followed quickly by the other two, then hunkered down under the lip of the roof and waited. Three explosions later, John and his team were jumping across the larger gap for the buildings and rolling on the roof. He looked back as he heard the sound of body slapping hard stone and made to move for the Private, to pick him up. "She's trying to escape!" one merc called and the firing was continued, rocking the entire building. Grabbing the Private, John yanked him onto the roof, and dropped with him, trying to keep another man from dying on his watch. "You alright son?" he asked looking over the man.

"Fine Master Sergeant, what happened?" John looked at the sniper nest and hoped that Blackheart was drawing a bead on his head. "We got to our objective, now it's time to get home.

"Dom watched as the marine's move to her old nest "bloody hell" she cursed under breath my com are still so she drew a bead on the master sergeant and fired right past his head. Right after she stood up waving her arm's to get there attention she did not have to worry because after she lost her last position she made sure to clear the area of all that could see her for two block's in every direction. Once she got there attention she waved them over to her building that was six building away from the marine's current position

John cussed and dropped as the round wizzed over his left ear. His team hit their knees and started scanning, then spotted the sniper. "Master Sergeant, she's six or seven roofs over," one said pointing to her position. John looked and growled, wanting to have words with the woman now. Regaining his feet, He took off at a dead sprint, leaping buildings, and firing blindly below him if he heard or felt anything pass him as he did so. At the last jump, his foot slipped and he slammed heavily into the wall. Pulling himself up, he heard the Dominion weapon clatter to the ground below. Pulling himself up, then rolling over the side of the roof he glared at the Sniper. "If you ever do that again, I'll kill you myself Corporal," he growled, before curling into a ball as three sets of feet landed near his head, and the center of his body. "Please tell me someone has an extra weapon for me," he said, taking a knee.

Dom handed the master sergeant her P90 "here also here's five extra mag's for it sorry about the shoot I took at you but my com's are out and I'm kinda stuck here due to two heavy vic's waiting to blast anything that move's .I would take them out but I'm out of ammo for my sniper rifle


Wilhelm watched his scanner as a small merc convoy came closer to his position. "Looks like they don't know we're here yet." Wilhelm said with a smile then picked up his rifle and got into his spot on the line. "Wait until it's point-blank range and pick your targets." Wilhelm said to his troops. As the mercs approached Wilhelm noticed the mercs just taking their time with not a care in the world. Wilhelm's helmet HUD lit up as the marines picked targets. "FIRE!" Wilhelm ordered as the mercs got to within 100 meters of the line. In one massive volley it was over. "I think they might know we are here now."

Major Reynolds and Parino saw it at the same time they heard fire far off in the direction of the Colonels position. Another breakout of Commandos. It was in Two huge columns, and moving very cautious with skirmishers out in front... "Jerry, are you getting this were your at?" Reynolds alerted his line..

"Yup, have a few headed my way. Not sure how many but their about Six or Seven minutes from us."

Reynolds nodded. "Yours are closer than mine are so I'll let you open up first."

"Big Ranger, the First needs a fire mission with flares in seven mike, bring HE and walk them out fast."

"Big Ranger copy, your mission in 6:52 and counting Sir"

The silencers were off now, bayonets were fixed. Marines with set jaws prepared to finish the commando's left in the city off for good.

When the first of the skirmishers got within twenty meters all hell broke lose from the marines at Parino's position. They took down rows of them as the merc's attempted to extend their line. As they moved they discovered it was a marine wall they were facing and were taking heavy casualties. As they began falling back wave after wave of mortars hit them sending them to the ground for cover. It was slaughter, a perfect killing field. And foe Twenty minutes it continued until nothing could be heard but the yells of the dying.

Reynolds was watching his hud display, Jerry was driving masses of Commandos down towards his position. The merc's we're attacking, they were trying to escape the bloodbath. His men opened up at close range. The shocked commandos stopped took cover and called for mercy.


John heard the fire fight happening, and gripped the P90 tightly. Slipping the extra ammo into a pocket he peeked over the ledge, noticing the Commando's rushing off. "We've got to move, now." Looking at the sniper he smiled. "We're going down, straight down. When we come through the door, it's going to be bedlam, but I want you behind me and mine. We've got the ammo, and the weapons. When we startr running towards our lines, pick up a weapon from a dead soldier, and start helping." Looking at his team, he nodded and started for the door that would lead them down. "Be quick, stay alive, and if they even look at you the wrong way, drop them. Two in the chest, one in the head, hear?"

"Hoorah," the three men said, answering him. John opened the door and all four of them, hopefully followed by Blackheart, started down the five stories to the ground level. Opening that door, the P90 lead the way, sweeping every inch of the rooms that they passed through. When they got to the front door, Private Johnson, the man Deal had pulled onto the roof, opened the door, then jumped out of the way as the P90 opened up, semi automatic fire leading the way. The two Heavy Weapon teams that the Commando's had stationed at the building fell within seconds, and the Marines rushed to the left, back to the line they had come from.


Wilhelm seen five figures running towards his line spewing weapon's fire in front of them. "Our boys are coming back! COVERING FIRE!!" Wilhelm roared and started shooting at mercs as his line opened up driving a bunch of mercs to cover. Wilhelm looked down his sight and seen a merc raising a weapon towards his men. Wilhelm put him in the cross hairs and pulled the trigger at 300 meters. With a splatter the merc dropped, Wilhelm then searched for another target. "Nothing like deadly aimed fire." Wilhelm muttered then seen a Commando stick his head out. Wilhelm aimed quickly and fired.


On the far side of the perimeter, near the Marines pulled from other duties. Otto watched a short firefight as some Commandos tried to breach their lines. Otto had his men take up an elevated position behind the enemies position. Otto looked over at his squad's SAWPhase and nodded. They all took aim and fired into the backs of the mercs. Expending a power pack, Otto took a photon grenade off his web vest and threw it at a ratty looking personnel carrier the mercs were trying to reverse out. In flash the carrier blew up and consumed some nearby mercs.



Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines

Staff Sergeant Otto Krupp
32 Squad, 181st Raider Regiment
Attached to the 21st Marines

Master Sergeant John Deal
First Sergeant
21st Marines

Major Erwin Reynolds
1st Battalion Co.
21st Marines

Major Jerry Parino
3rd Battalion Co.
21st Marines


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