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Posted on Fri Jan 7th, 2011 @ 12:43pm by Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg

549 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: POW Camp Alpha, Aurora city limits, Planet Exeter
Timeline: current
Tags: Raven Adams, Krang Darkmoon

::ON:: Grelek/Major Ak'ched/Corporal

Wilhelm left his HQ to see if he could get some information. After a 30 minute ride in a FOXL it pulled up to the gates of POW Camp Alpha. Wilhelm got out and put his beret square on his head an marched up to the gate guards. After verifying his information the guards let him through. Going up to the main building with two guards in lockstep behind him Wilhelm went to Lieutenant James' office. Lieutenant James was the Camp Commandant and the head of the 21st's intel section.

Jumping up from behind his desk James saluted and said "Sir! We didnt expect you sir."

Wilhelm responded, "Nor should you Lieutenant. This was a spur of the moment trip before your POWs are picked up."

"Picked up sir? But I thought...." James said and Wilhelm cut him off. "Yes picked up so we can get some more marines out in the field instead of behind a desk." Wilhelm said sharply seeing James liked his plush assignment. "The Odin will be escorting our supply convoy back to Typhon and they'll be carrying our dead and wounded, civilians and ALL out POW's. Now, I want to see our Breen prisoner."

James responded with a look disappointment. "Yes sir." The Lieutenant said dourly.

Walking out of the main building the Lieutenant led him to a small duranium building where the Breen was the only occupant. Walking in, Wilhelm went up to the forcefield and looked at a PADD "So Ak'ched Thral. How are your accomadations." Wilhelm was met by silence, and Wilhelm slowly took out an old isolinear chip and started fidgeting with it in his hand. "You know, I've been in the corp for a long time Thral. I remember, during the last war, my unit paid a visit to a nice looking Breen world." Wilhelm could see the Breen start to tense up. "....Actually not to far from here. We found an underground city....and split it open like a tin can. We watched all the civilians scatter like ants as we engaged the local military and destroyed the local industry and anything of worth." Wilhelm could see the Breen was visibly agitated. "I think I struck a nerve." Wilhelm thought then continued speaking, "It was over in less then three hours. Walking among your dead we learned quite a few things the Breen dont want anyone to know." Wilhelm said then put the isolinear chip in his tricorder. "We learned you all carry ID chips, encoded, of course, but an easy code." Wilhelm said.

"Now Grelek Thral. A Major in the Breen Military instead of Corporal. What are your objectives on Exeter." Wilhelm demanded. After a few minutes Wilhelm left half disgusted. The Breen got more vocal but is was just unpleasant comments about Willi's family.

"Lieutenant James. Transports will be ready in one hour then I expect you to report to the LZ with your men for reassignment. Also, make sure that Breen gets a brig berth on the Odin with this info I got from his ID chip." Wilhelm said then tossed an isolinear chip at the Lt.. "Make sure Commanders Raven Adams and Krang Darkmoon at Typhon give the Major their attentions."


Colonel Wilhelm Baron von Hackleberg
CO, 21st Marines


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