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Action Report, Doran Pass

Posted on Thu Jan 6th, 2011 @ 10:58am by Major Erwin Reynolds [John]

362 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: 21st Marines Command Center
Timeline: Current


Staff Sergeant Thomas was at the end of his shift. It had been Twelve hours of constant Radio chatter and his relief was due at any time. Since the city had been re-taken units had been moving everywhere and getting settled in.

The screen flickered red on his com monitor... That's strange, a priority message from Victor 57. He looked at his map overlay and located Two squads under the command of major Parino at the Doran Pass. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the message as they had only arrived at the pass in the last hour. He waited patiently as the message loaded and was encrypted.

** Urgent crypto noforn/ Message follows**

Location 123-729-0026A
Sender: SgtMaj Varnic

Headquarters 21 Marine Regiment Command

Report- Arrived Doran Pass with Two squads 0820hrs. LZ secured and one section began fortifying defensive positions. Recon of immediate area by Captain A. Fletcher found no activity.

0940 Hrs- Scans picked up long range movement of possible opposing forces approaching our positions. Major Parino took One section to recon there advance and determine who they were.

1010 Hrs: Contact made by Major Parino's section. Confirmed Hostile forces and engaged same.

1022 Hrs- Unable to contact advanced Section, Captain Fletcher assembled quick reaction force of the First squad and began a flank approach to Major Parino's last position.

1120 hrs- Contact made with Captain Fletchers squad. Informed this station of casualties (KIA). Confirmed killed was Major Parino, L Corporal Jenn, Private Henny, Private Morris, Private Talbot. Four other Marines unaccounted for and presumed alive but out of contact or Captured.

1140 Hrs- Captain Fletcher Mortally wounded during brief mortar attack at recovery location. Sergeant Krig assumes command and relocates position under small arms fire bringing all casualties with squad.

1201 Hrs- Hawk 19 renders air support fire and Sgt. Krig returns to Outpost location.

Debrief: Marine killed/Six. Wounded/Eleven. Missing/Four.

Status: Outpost secure and fortified. No further contact after Mortar attack. Scans showing clear after air support activity. Request Marine support and evacuation of wounded.

Sergeant Major B. Varnic, Outpost Doran

************End Message****************

Sergeant Thomas jumped up from the screen and sent a runner to find the Colonel....



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