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A burglar? Or... not?

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2011 @ 7:56am by

399 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Lieutenant Commander Skylar's Quarters

Skylar opened the door to his quarters, with a phaser drawn. No one was present.

He checked all of the rooms, finding nothing out of place, nothing missing, and no one present.

Then he came across something. It was kind of gooey.

It was chocolate. And it looked like a Raven.

Sort of. It had melted a bit.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow.

He pondered the meaning of it, and stared at it, after putting it in the freezer.

His door chimed.

"Enter." Skylar said, turning to face the entry to his quarters.

A young Ensign from either Operations, Security, or Engineering stood there. He hadn't seen her face yet, but that didn't mean she wasn't in his department.

"Ensign." Skylar said with a nod.

"Sir." She said. "There is an alignment problem with one of the matter-antimatter reactors."

Engineering, it is, then. He thought to himself. He nodded. "Let's go."

Skylar followed the Ensign into Engineering.

"Ensign Ratcliff, you could have just used the comm-badge." Sirgei said.

Skylar shook his head. "She could not. I had disabled my comm-badge, so I could rest."

Ensign Ratcliff looked briefly to Skylar, then back to Sirgei. "He's here, Sirgei."

"I can see that, Ensign." Sirgei said.

"Ensign Bobgdonovich, you are dismissed." Skylar stated.

Sirgei looked at Skylar, unsure.

"Am I being unclear, Ensign Bobgdonovich? Your shift ended 1.24 hours ago, and you are now harassing members of the next shift. You are dismissed." Skylar reiterated.

The Russian man nodded, and left Engineering.

Skylar nodded to the woman, and approached the matter-antimatter reactor in question.

"What is wrong with it?" Skylar asked.

"It's containment field is 0.2 microns out of alignment." The Ensign stated.

"Not especially worrying, but your concern for crew safety is noted." Skylar said with a nod. "Except that this has already been corrected."

He looked at the terminal.

"1.2 minutes ago, by Ensign Bobgdonovich." Skylar stated, softly, so as not to be overheard. "In the future, you should be aware that there are other intermix specialists. I'm the Section Chief. If I am not currently on shift, it would be appreciated, Ensign, if you kept things at emergency issues only."

The Ensign blushed, but nodded. "Yes, sir." She whispered.

Skylar nodded. "If you'll excuse me, I must rest."

The Ensign nodded.


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineering Officer

Ensign Sirgei Bobgdonovich
Engineering Officer

Ensign Jaquelyn Ratcliff
Engineering Officer


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