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Another Day, Another Physical

Posted on Sun Feb 6th, 2011 @ 4:42am by Commander Basil Hart & Captain Anna Johnson

772 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Present


Basil looked at his empty sickbay. The wounded had been streaming in for so long that he had forgotten what a slow day was like. Yet here he was, actually able to catch up on the mundane routine. He tapped his comm badge.

"Captain Johnson, This is Dr. Hart. Have you got a few minutes?"

Anna had literally just gotten back to the base from her vacation and was in the middle of unpacking. "What do you need Doctor Hart?" Anna asked.

"I hope you don't find this an inconvenient time, Captain, but I need to run a quick physical on you. Could you drop by my office in say, half an hour?"

Anna resisted the urge to sigh. "I'll be there." She said as she put her clothes away.

[Thirty Minutes Later]

Anna walked in, it was obvious that she had been spending some time in the sun but she had been careful not to get too much. She walked over to Helen, "I have an appointment with Doctor Hart." She said.

Helen smiled at her cheerfully. "Certainly, captain! I'll let him know you're here." She tapped her comm badge. "Doctor, Captain Johnson is here for her physical."

"Excellent," came the reply. Please take her to exam room five. I'll be right there."

Helen gestured the way as she stood up. "You certainly look refreshed, ma'am!" she said.

"Some time away was just what I needed," In fact I have a reservation for a cabin for next year." Anna said with a smile.

"Sounds delightful," Helen mused as she seated the captain and quickly ran some preliminary scans for heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and weight. Making notations on a PADD, she left the room just as Basil walked in.

"Captain! How good to see you!" Basil's crisp British accent was quite evident when he was in a good mood. He took the PADD and looked it over. "Slightly bronzed from natural sunlight, I see."

Anna nodded, "I made sure not to get too much though." Anna said. "Don't want to get wrinkles too young after all."

Basil chuckled. "Well, ma'am, a good dermal re-generator will take care of most of that!" He walked over to a table nearby, and opened a rather old looking black bag, and extracted an old antique stethoscope, placing the buds in his ears. Placing the disk between her shoulder blades, he said, "Breathe deeply."

Anna did so, 'You're still using that old thing I see." She said with a smile

"Yes, Ma'am. You'd be surprised how sophisticated our own senses are, and how they can be trained to detect things. For instance: Just by listening to your breathing and heartbeat, I can tell that you have no congestion in your lungs, that your blood oxygen level should be average to above average, that your heart is beating normally within above average efficiency limits, and that your bronchial tubes are in excellent health." he smiled wryly. "Now I could get the same information with a scanner, but I like to keep old habits alive, just in case technology fails. How's your diet? Eating healthy?"

"As best I can," Anna said, "Between Jana and the tea lady they make sure I eat like I should." she added with a laugh.

"Good!" Basil grinned. "Then I know I don't have to worry about it. Although that sunshine may have dried you out just a tad. Try increasing your fluid intake to compensate. You're in no danger, but I imagine you'll feel a little thirstier than normal over the next day or two. Did you have any questions or concerns you wish to talk about?"

"Not about my health, however, if you have your annual department reports ready we can discuss that while I'm here." Anna said.

"As a matter of fact," Basil said brightly, "I happen to have those reports right here. I was going to trundle them up to you, but since you're here, I'll save myself the effort." He handed her a PADD.

Anna smiled, "Good, anything special that may need extra attention?" She asked.

"Not that I'm aware of, captain," Basil said, scratching his head. "I think everything here's ship-shape and in Bristol fashion." He grinned. "Well, I think you're good for another million kilometers."

"Good, I guess if there is nothing else I should be going." Anna said.

"Well, off ye go, then!" said Basil. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, Captain Johnson!"

"Thanks doc." Anna said then headed out the door toward her office.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon


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