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The Day Planned..

Posted on Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 2:18am by Commodore Edward Fannin & HRH Deloran Castlemere-Gates

345 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Private Quarters/ Commodore Fannin
Timeline: Current


Edward shuffled out to his makeshift closet for a fresh uniform. Coffee in hand he smiled as he heard Delor singing softly in the galley. A woman's sound was something he was glad to hear after so long a committed bachelor. He dressed quickly and grabbed his cup.

"Good Morning", Edward planted a big kiss on his somewhat secret roommate. He was pretty sure that most of the senior staff knew of her presence on the station as she was a celebrity, but so far had chose not to make any mention of it. Delor was dressed for her trip planet side to he property she had purchased, Two Hundred acres of good timberland with remote access. She turned to Edward, "If you get the chance, talk to your engineer about replicating those deck support struts for us."

"You bet, I'll see him today I hope as several Large barges are arriving for the shipyard. How long are you going to be down at the property?"

"Well I had planned to spend the night, but with the cast foundation being layed in yesterday there's really not much to do. The foreman needs me to select a route to the main house from the shuttle pad. That should keep me very busy Commodore..."

Fannin smiled, I was going to ask as I was planning on taking you to dinner tonight. Possibly a tour of the station if you like."

"That would be wonderful, will it include the secrets of Typhon station few know about?"

"Yes, I'm sure most of those secrets you speak of will be a major surprise to me as well."

A brief embrace as Fannin stepped into the outer companionway. A rather tall Marine security officer snapped to attention as Edward glided past. He was glad since the bombing Commander Krang had insisted in certain deck security postings.

He hit the lift and headed for the bridge control complex to get a few issues on track, it would be a busy week.


Commodore Edward Fannin
Commander Task Force 42
Star Base Typhon


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