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Star Fleet Engineer arrives...

Posted on Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 10:44am by Rear Admiral Ivanna Partz

224 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Terminal Annex Six
Timeline: Current


He walked to the security check point. "I am Rear Admiral Partz. I shall be shown to my quarters at once."

The security team was prepared for the Admiral and several officers grabbed his bags immediately..

A very young security Officer stepped up to the Admiral, she also towered over the man.

After a quick salute she addressed him in the softest tone she could manage.

"Good evening Admiral Partz. I have been waiting for you. I shall take you to your quarters right away." She waved him and his party to follow her to the lift station.

As he passed through the check point the foul scent of rotten flesh wafted through the air physically assaulting all around... Several security officers openly gagged.

As they entered the lift the smell was perhaps the most awful thing that the young Security officer had ever encountered. She held her breath as long as she could but the lift was taking it's damn time...

Admiral Partz was annoyed, "What type of lifts were designed for this place anyway. He would check that out first thing with the stations main Engineer.

The Admiral was settled into his quarters, Once the Security officer returned to the main hallway she did what any overcome person would. Fainted....


Rear Admiral Ivanna Wrecur Partz
Star Fleet Inspector (Smelly NPC)


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