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Departmental Check: Security

Posted on Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 2:52am by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Krang Darkmoon

810 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Security

Anna walked into security in search of Krang. It was time for annual reports and evaluations so she was making her way around since she returned from vacation.

Krang was alerted that the XO was in the area by some of his more ambitious co-workers. As she approached his office, he stood and met her at the door.

"Greetings Captain. What brings you all the way down here?" Krang asked, trying to sound polite and not as suspicious as he felt.

"Two things actually." Anna said, "First of all when I was enjoying my vacation I found this little store that sold fresh vegetables and I saw something that made me think of you so I got some just before I came back."
Anna pulled a bag from behind her back and handed it to Krang.

"Ah, Carrots, Thank you." he said, placing the bag on his desk. "I'm sure these will be better than the ones I get from the replicator." Then he asked, "Can I offer you something to drink? I know you prefer real coffee, but I can replicate a mean cup of tea."

"That sounds great," Anna said. "I'm also here to see if you have your department evaluation ready for me yet." She added as she took a seat across from his desk.

Krang retrieved the cup of tea and set it on the desk. He sat down heavily and gave a sigh. "Actually, no ma'am. I have had a string of robberies on the lower level of the promenade and I haven't really had time to do the evaluations yet."

"Do you have time to discuss it now?" Anna asked taking the cup of tea and sipping it.

He popped a carrot in his mouth and said, "Since you took the time to come all the way down here, I guess and I can do no less. Where should we start?"

"You know things better than I do." Anna said pulling out a PADD, "I guess start with an update on the bombing."

"Yeah, I figured you would start there. We had two suspects were chasing. We apprehended them both, but one swallowed something and immolated himself before we could take him into custody. The other is a Breen who has been less than forthcoming with information."

"The marines have caught a Breen as well if I'm not mistaken." Anna said. "They are suppose to be bringing him here.

"They would be one and the same, ma'am." Krang agreed.

Anna nodded, "Is there anything else in your department that needs to be brought to our attention?" She asked.

"I have applied to have a couple of Ferengi kids banned from the station. I have personally caught them twice and they have been through here several other times in the last few weeks. They seem to have sticky fingers." Krang answered.

"I'm sure that can be arranged. Though they will probably just send some other kids to get their supplies for them. Just keep it monitored. If we can trace it to a specific ship then we can ban them." Anna said.

"I don't know which ship they came in on. They aren't old enough to be by themselves, but no one person ever comes to bail them out twice."

Anna nodded, "If needed have someone follow them when they are released. Carefully so it isn't obvious of course. We don't want them thinking they can come here to get free goods all the time after all." She said.

"That was going to be my next question. If I catch them again, I want to hold them for the magistrate the next time they come through. He's supposed to be here next week, right?"

"If my memory serves me correctly yes. I can check when I get back to my office and if not I will let you know. Holding them longer is fine with me if especially since it is ongoing." Anna said.

"Very good." Krang said with a bob of his head. He bit another chunk off the latest carrot and munched thoughtfully. "I do have a staff member that deserves a bit of an 'atta boy'. She has been doing more than enough lately and she's been doing a lot to help me out too."

"Who would that be?" Anna asked.

"Lieutenant Addison. She has been a really big help to me. She's been running nights shifts for a while now and I think she should receive some recognition." He answered.

"I will bring that to Commodore Fannin's attention." Anna said with a smile.
"Keep up the good work yourself." She added. "If there is nothing else I'll be going."

Anna stood and waited a moment to make sure he had nothing else then turned to head back to her office.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security


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