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Command Bridge Inspection

Posted on Mon Feb 7th, 2011 @ 10:52am by Commodore Edward Fannin & Captain Anna Johnson & Chief Warrant Officer Terri James (John)

1,081 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Bridge Control Deck
Timeline: Current


Fannin entered his office down the hall from the bridge to check any messages he had missed. There was quite a few.. Yeoman James came in right behind him holding a stack of requests that required his immediate attention.

"Glad to see your back Sir, These will need your review this shift." She smiled at Edward.

"Just drop them on my desk. Anything vital send to my padd and I'll work on them today as I run around this place." Fannin grabbed his padd and headed for the door. "Also can you make a reservation for Two, Dinner. A quiet place if you can."

"Yes Sir." The smile on Terri's face was strange for her.


Fannin walked down the Blue carpeted ramp to the control Bridge. Captain Johnson was hard at work on her station and in a conference with several operations officers as he was announced on the bridge..

Anna came to her feet and to attention. She had not heard Fannin was back yet.

"At ease, please, Captain Johnson, good to see you. I didn't mean to interrupt at all." He held out his hand to the Captain.

Anna took the offered hand. "Not a problem sir. Our chief of operations was called away on an emergency so I have been making sure things continued to run smoothly in his absence." She said, "I hope your latest trip was uneventful as possible."

Fannin was unsure if Anna had heard of his resent bonding with Delore. He desided to avoid the situation as long as possible, or at least until matters settled down in the tabloids.

"Yes I cleared up quite a few things and the surgery went very well. I'm very glad to be back here with you all. How was your short vacation?"

"It was nice. I plan on getting a cabin again when I know I have some leave coming up." Anna said. "I've been debating on having a place built in the area." Anna said. "I've gotten all the annual reports back in for review." She said, "and the inspection is done and the needed teams have been dispatched for the repairs that are needed."

"Outstanding Captain Johnson. As usual a stellar job done by your staff. I'll be conducting a Station inspection starting today and I'm sure I'll be looking at your reports as they are completed. How many no fleet vessels are docked currently. I'm expecting Vice Admiral Stone at any time..."

"There are a couple of non-fleet ships here at this time. Does that mean the marines and flight control are gong to be returning as well?" Anna asked.

"I believe our Marines will be on duty at Exeter for a while yet. The security of the planet is still a concern for the Federation at the time. Breen forces are still in the area and would just return if we pulled out. How are the refuges doing?"

"They are doing okay. We have done our best to make them comfortable and tend to their needs. I'm guessing the fighter pilots will be staying in that area as well to help with patrolling." Anna said. She wanted to know about Ian without actually asking about him directly.

"I'm sure they are staying as well Anna. Hows Jana?" What did she think of the great outdoors?

"She's doing great and loved the chance to be on a planet again. She seems much happier now than when she first arrived." Anna answered, "How is your friend doing?" Anna asked softly and with a smile.

"She's doing very well, Delore has been needing a break for quite some time now. She's on her way planet side to supervise a home we have been planning on."

"Sounds serious if the two of you are planing a home together." Anna said, "I didn't realize things had gotten that far."

"Yes, but Ive fought so much in my life to battle a good thing when I see it." Fannin smiled and winked at Anna... "We are very happy."

"I just hope I can be that happy one day." Anna said her thoughts going to Ian.

"I have no fear of that Captain, your Knight in shining armor has not been forged yet... But he shall arrive." Fannin scanned his padd..

"Have any of the Athena derrick parts arrived yet?" He motioned for Yeoman James who came over to him as he pointed to his padd.. "Terri, can you take care of this request for me? I'm fine with the use of additional work bees on this request.." Fannin turned back to Anna as Terri left the bridge..

Anna moved over to the terminal to double check. "It would appear they are being inventoried as we speak." She answered.

"Excellent, Have any of the assembly team arrived yet? I wasn't briefed on when to expect them."

"We are expecting them any time now. They are scheduled to arrive sometime today." Anna said. "I already have quarter assignments ready for them."

"Very well, I see your on top of things, I'm sure they're going to have a briefing. If you here anything about it or if the team leader needs help with anything lets be sure we're on our game."

"I'll make sure they have a conference room if its needed for the briefing." Anna said. "Everything else seems to be on schedule. They are wrapping up the loose ends on the bombing. One of the people in question took a suicide pill so he was never questioned."

Fannin had a pained expression on his face. He had put the incident as far from his mind as he could have. His relationship with Delore had helped.

"Yes.., well I haven't thought about it much really, I have left those issues to Commander Darkmoon and Raven really. A bit of a painful memory for me I guess. I still miss Jack." He took a cup a cup of coffee from an ops staff member and slowly sipped it.

Anna took her cup as well as well, "I'm still get use to my new shoes myself. Its been a bit of a ride for me." She said.

"At any rate I'm glad the crew and their families are safe."

"I'll be headed for crews quarters first on the inspection. If you need me for anything just let me know."

"Yes sir." Anna replied

Commodore Edward Fannin
Commander Task Force 42
Star Base Typhon

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Star Base Typhon


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