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Ravens for Raven

Posted on Thu Feb 10th, 2011 @ 2:33pm by Jana Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

1,208 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Raven's Quarters

Jana had the small box wrapped in her hands. Inside was a necklace earrings that looked like ravens that she had found and thought Raven might like them. They were silver colored and had small diamonds for eyes. The earrings would dangle slightly below the ear. She stood outside of Raven's quarters and rang the chime.

Raven was sitting on the floor of her quarters, legs stretched out to either side as she put together a small metallic puzzle of a dragon. "Come in," she said.

Jana stepped in and looked at Raven a moment, "I brought a peace offering. To apologize if I made you uncomfortable the other night.

"What makes you think you made me uncomfortable?" Raven asked, facing Jana.

"It just kind of seemed that way. You left in a hurry. I wanted to sure everything was okay. Plus I saw this and thought of you and had to get it for you." Jana answered handing Raven the gift.

Raven took the box with a smile. "Thank you for the gift. But I didn't leave in a hurry. As I said, I had other things to do during my lunch break. I was finished with my lunch, I just didn't have time to linger. That's all." She opened the box and smiled. "Thank you. They're lovely." She got up off the floor and sat on the couch. "Have a seat. So, you seem to be settling in okay. How is school?"

"It's going well. I'm going to start taking shuttle flying lessons in the holodeck soon. I think one of the boys likes me too." She said then blushed.

"What does your sister think of the boy?" Raven asked with a teasing smile.

"I've talked to her about him but she hasn't met him yet. We haven't even been on a date or anything yet. Anna said she would have to meet him before she would let me go out with him. She's being so old fashioned." Jana said in typical teenage form.

"I don't blame her. She wants to make sure the boy is okay before she lets you go out with him," Raven said.

"I think I can know if he is okay or not on my own." Jana said.

"That's what teenagers have been saying for generations," Raven chuckled. "Believe me, you learn a lot about boys between your age and your sister's. It goes both ways, too. You need to approve of the people your sister gets involved with."

Jana shook her head, "She's still hung up on that jerk that hurt the two of you." She said crossing her arms.

"I didn't think he was a jerk at the time," Raven countered. "Maybe he's learned his lesson?"

"I don't know why she wants to give him a second chance." Jana said. "I don't know if he has or not but if he hasn't and I find out I'll take care of it myself." Jana said.

"Just don't break the law. Krang wouldn't take too kindly to that, even if you are the XO's sister." Although she wasn't so sure why Anna was giving Ian a second chance, either. But that was between the two of them.

"I'll make sure he leaves her alone legally don't worry." Jana said with a sigh. ~I hate dad for what he did to her, he's the one to blame for all this.~ Jana thought.

"You can't hate your father. It only hurts you and your sister," Raven said calmly. "The best revenge is living well. Don't let him dictate how you live your life."

"I have every right to hate him after what he did to her. . .and to me." Jana said, "His death was the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Your getting away from him was the best thing that ever happened to you," Raven countered. "All I'm saying is don't let your hatred of him color your life now. He's not worth it."

"It has been up until now. Its why I dressed like I did its why I did other things before I came here. With me it wasn't as bad my brothers helped protect me. Anna wasn't that lucky." Jana said, "Yet look what she has learned to accomplish. I don't want her to lose any of that."

"Ian may be an idiot, but he's not abusive. If she never reaches out to anyone she'll miss out on a big part of life. So don't be too protective. Of her or of yourself."

"You can be hurt just as much emotionally as physically and it can affect you the same way." Jana said with a sigh. "Then again mom stayed too so maybe its just our destiny."

"If you don't open yourself up to the possibility of pain, how can you open yourself up for happiness?"

"Being here is the first time I've even gotten a hint of what it means to be happy." Jana said. "It's the first time I've had friends and felt like I was wanted."

"All I can is it's about time," Raven said, grinning. "So, enough serious talk. Tell me about this boy you like."

"He's a year older. His name is Andy and he was adopted by his parents and is one quarter Vulcan. He is hoping to join the academy in a couple of years. He likes a lot of the same stuff I do and heard me playing my guitar once and actually liked it." Jana answered.

"That sounds promising. Do you talk a lot?" Raven asked, curious.

"We have lunch together a lot and have done study groups together I've just not had a real date with him yet." Jana said.

"Has he asked you?"

"Every time I think he is going to someone else shows up and he backs out." Jana said.

"Have you thought of having your sister invite him and his family to dinner one night?" Raven asked.

"Some first date his parents and my sister hanging around? Thanks but no thanks." Jana said.

"No. Not as a first date. As a way of letting Anna meet the boy you like and his parents. Then she won't feel so bad about you going out with him. The first date comes later," Raven assured her.

Jana shook her head, "Still sounds bad to me." she said, "I don't like the sounds of it at all."

"Okay. I was just trying to help you find a quick way to get your sister's approval so you can go out on a date." Raven shrugged. "But that's between you and Anna."

"I don't want to have to get her approval." Jana said. "She's my sister not my mom." A deep sigh escaped her lips, "Thanks for trying to help but I guess I'd better be going."

"Thanks for stopping by, and thanks for the gift," Raven said, standing and giving Jana a hug. "Give your sister the benefit of a doubt. She wants to protect you." Then she grinned. "And let me know how things go when you get that first date."

Jana returned the hug, "Thanks and if it happens I'll let you know."


Jana Johnson
Sister of the XO

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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