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Getting Back into Routine

Posted on Wed Feb 9th, 2011 @ 3:51pm by Captain Anna Johnson & Commander Raven Adams

1,801 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: The Tea Room

Anna and Jana made their way for their weekly visit to the Tea Room. Anna was really craving some of Aeshia's egg rolls. Jana hummed a tune as they walked and for the first time in a long time her make up looked 'normal' and her hair was the same color as Anna's.

"Anna lady!" Aeshia shouted. "Where is Jana lady? And who is your friend?"

Jana smiled, "I am Jana," She answered she had a twinkle in her eye that hadn't been there in as long as she could remember.

Aeshia looked confused, and shook her head. "No. Jana lady has strange coloured hair, and lots of make-ups. You do not."

"I decided to try a different look." Jana said. "Ask me something only Jana would know."

Anna was all but laughing. Jana did look a lot different here lately. Much like she did at her age.

Aeshia shook her head. "Just giving you rough time, Jana lady." Aeshia said with a chuckle. "What kind of tea this week?"

"Jasmine tea if you have it and some of your egg rolls." Anna said as the two of them took a seat.

Aeshia nodded, and put the kettle on, then began preparing the egg rolls.

Lieutenant Commander Skylar walked in. He nodded to Anna, and the unfamiliar woman she was with, and took a close by seat.

"Lieutenant Commander Vulcan man. What tea you like today?" Aeshia asked

Skylar nodded. "Green tea will suffice. And something to eat. Whatever is easiest to prepare."

Aeshia nodded. "More egg rolls it is."

Anna looked at Skylar, "You are more than welcome to join us at our table Skylar." Anna said. She wasn't in her uniform and was hoping he wouldn't mind being a little less formal.

Skylar nodded, and changed tables. "The first of the parts for the Athena project are scheduled to arrive in 12 hours." Skylar said with a nod.

"Good, Commodore Fannin is anxious to get that project started." Anna said. "This is my sister Jana, she lives with me here on the station. Jana this is Lieutenant Commander Skylar he is the chief engineer here."

"Nice to meet you." Jana replied.

Skylar nodded to Jana. "Madame." He said.

Aeshia placed their cups of tea on the table. "What is Athena project? It sounds all Greek to me."

Skylar quirked an eyebrow, but refrained from commenting on just how puny that sounded.

Raven was in need of a break from her office. Getting ready for the inspection was proving to be more... delicate than she'd anticipated. It had been a while since she visited the tea room, so she took a break and went in search of egg rolls.

When she walked in, she immediately noticed Anna and a normal-looking Jana seated with Skylar.

Her first inclination was to join them, but she didn't know if Skylar would be uncomfortable with her presence. So, she chose to take a more neutral approach. She smiled at the table in general and headed for an empty table in the corner.

Jana looked toward Raven, "You don't have to eat alone if you don't want to. We can make room for you here." She said as she moved her chair a bit closer to Anna which would put Raven between her and Skylar.

Anna grabbed an egg roll and took a bite. "I have really been wanting some of these."

Skylar nodded to Raven. The briefest of something close to a smile crossed his face which he hid with a sip of tea.

Aeshia looked at the newcomer. "More Egg rolls. Got it." She said, and went back into the kitchen.

Raven couldn't say no to Jana's invitation. She got up and walked over to the others, taking the proffered seat. She grinned at Aeshia as she walked out. "Hi, Jana. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing great. I like things much better here than at home. Though I did enjoy some time back on a planet last week." She said. "How are things going for you?" She asked.

Raven smiled. "I'm good. Busy. I heard about your trip from Anna. You look great." Then she nodded to Skylar. "How are you doing?"

Skylar barely refrained from smiling at Raven's smile. "I am well. Just taking a break, and then, probably, a nap, prior to getting started with the Athena stardock in the morning."

Anna noticed the look on Skylar's face and was starting to put two and two together but said nothing. She grabbed her cup and sipped her tea, "I know you don't require as much sleep as humans but don't over work yourself on this project Skylar. I don't want you ending up in sickbay because you over stretched yourself."

Skylar quirked an eyebrow at Anna. "I have a staff of several hundred individuals, ma'am. Some of them are less than competent, and will require supervision, however it is not so big an issue that I will be over-stretching myself. To do so would not be logical."

Anna looked at him, "I'm going to be holding you to that." She said, "I will monitor your schedule very closely. Even if you don't sleep you need some time away from the office. Find those that are competent and let them run things when you aren't there. You told me you didn't need a certain Lieutenant that I made sure got a position as Chief on another ship. Don't make me doubt your motives for redirecting her."

Skylar shook his head. "There are sufficient competent officers, and even a few cadets, on staff, to balance out, and supervise the select few incompetent ones. I am more worried about whether or not Operations will be capable of keeping the station in one piece without assistance available."

"Operations is my area of expertise. I can make sure they do their jobs while doing the rest of my duties. There are some people in that department I can put in charge until the chief either returns or is replaced." Anna said.

"We seem to have a lot of that around here," Raven commented. "Science is short a chief as well." She glanced noncommittally at Skylar. "I agree with Anna. You shouldn't overtax yourself. The stardock will take a long time to get set up."

Skylar nodded. "I am not intending to do so." He said. "After all, I do have other duties, and responsibilities to take care of." He looked at Raven, and nearly said something, but refrained.

'What other responsibilities do you have?" she asked, curious. "Your family?"

"My paperwork, and..." He looked at Raven. "social interaction with people who matter."

Anna raised an eyebrow and took another egg roll from the plate to hide the smile but said nothing.

Raven refused to look at Anna. She took a bite of egg roll and nodded placidly. "It's important to interact socially. Especially with people who matter." Inside she was relieved that he wasn't upset with her, but none of that showed on her face or in her body language.

Skylar nodded, and followed suit, hiding his smile with his tea.

Jana leaned in and whispered in Anna's ear. "Should we leave them alone?" Anna almost spit her tea out as she started to laugh and answered back in a whisper, "I'm not really sure to be honest."

Skylar quirked an eyebrow, thankful for his Vulcan hearing. "Actually, technically you were here first." He said, staring straight at Jana.

Raven burst out laughing, having picked up on the undertones between Anna and Jana. "He has a point."

"As long as we aren't in the way of something I don't mind continuing to share the company and egg rolls if you don't." Anna said.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow at Raven. He put on an impassive face, and attempted a joke. "I have no idea what you would be in the way of. Neither Raven, nor myself, are moving."

"The table is large enough to accommodate four people," Raven said placidly to Anna. "So you're not in the way."

Anna sipped her tea, "Okay then." She said.

Jana leaned forward and grabbed an egg roll and took a bite not sure what to say, but she knew something was going on here.

Skylar was aware how transparent he was now. To all three of them. He refrained from saying anything, however, instead, finishing the last of his tea.

Raven found this all highly amusing. Especially after her recent encounter with Khiy and the Romulan Ambassador. it made her chuckle more as she finished her egg rolls. "Well, ladies and gentleman, if you don't mind, there's a shop I need to check out before I go back to work. So, if you don't mind, I'll bid you all adieu."

She found Aeshia and thanked her for the excellent egg rolls and paid her bill.

Before exiting the tea shop, Raven glanced back at the other three and smiled. She didn't need to go anywhere, she just wanted to get out of there before she did something foolish, like hold Skylar's hand. With another nod to the tea lady, she left.

Skylar watched Raven leave, with a quirked eyebrow, unsure if he should follow her, or stay with Anna.

Aeshia placed Skylar's bill next to him, which he paid, and then nodded to Anna, and Jana. "If you'll pardon me." He said, getting up, and heading to the door after Raven.

Anna and Jana watched him leave then Anna looked at Aeshia, "Add a box of sugar cookies to go to our bill please." She said as she started stacking dishes to make them easier to clear.

"I give you box of sugar cookies. It not on bill." Aeshia said, shaking her head. "And you leave my work on table, please. I will deal with dishes."

Anna nodded, "Very well," Anna said, "I was just trying to make it easier for you." Anna said taking the PADD she placed her thumbprint to transfer the funds.

Aeshia smiled, and nodded. "It is my work, Anna lady. I am happy to do it. I imagine you must be annoyed when people try to do your job."

"Very few people actually want my job." Anna said.

Aeshia laughed, and nodded. "Most people say the same about mine."

"I may retire one day and open a repair shop on a colony somewhere." Anna said, "That would be easy after this job. Dinner was excellent as usual. Thank you Aeshia."

Aeshia bowed. "Always a pleasure, Anna lady, Jana lady."

Both Anna and Jana bowed respectfully in return then made sure to grab the cookies before heading to their quarters.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Jana Johnson
Sister of the XO

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer

Aeshia Dew
Tea Lady

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer


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