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The USS Acrux

Posted on Tue Jan 5th, 2010 @ 8:29am by Commodore Edward Fannin

201 words; about a 1 minute read

Location: Main starship dock 22
Timeline: Current


Fannin was on the bridge and supervised the docking of the USS Acrux, one of the last Federation repair ships of it's class. Here to assist the Endeavor re-fit. On the Acrux a veteran crew would be staying here at Typhon and finishing up their current tours until Fleet reassigned them to the new class of Fleet repair vessels. The crew would be very busy for a few days anyway as they hadn't had a R&R in two years. Things could get out of hand he thought. Worry about that later....

Edward concentrated on how the docking team worked the boom. It took skill and a steady hand to operate objects weighing several tons with smashing starships to pieces... The boom operator was a crewman not much older than twenty. The Captain of the Acrux entered the bridge and met with Fannin for a few minutes and was off to get his crew settled in, Captain Burke was older than Ed expected, close to Sixty years. This was his last mission on the Endeavor re-fit. Then he was going home, Edwould have to think about home someday, hopefully not too soon.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon


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