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Assessing Astrometrics - Sign-Off

Posted on Tue Jan 5th, 2010 @ 3:45am by Commander Lucas Jackson

495 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Main Astrometrics
Timeline: Current

=A= Lieutenant Command Lucas Jackson, please report to Main Astrometrics. Lucas Jackson to main Astrometrics. =A=

The message bellowed throughout the ship, catching nearly everyone's attention. The situation of the science laboratories and sections was pretty much known throughout the ship—progress was slow. Some of the smaller labs had been completed in the last week or so, but nothing like Main Astrometrics, that the base would be using everyday, was completed. The day would come though, and everyone in the Science Department was wondering when that would be.

'What could this be about?' the summoned officer said out-loud, making everyone around him give him an odd-look. 'Maybe, just maybe...Nah, I probably shouldn't get my hopes up...'


Up on Deck 54, the Science Department's Head Contractor, Lieutenant James Morris, was waiting intently for the officer to arrive. Standing outside of the Main Astrometrics doors, he was anxious at the thought of the Chief Science Officer seeing the room. He knew that the lab would be critical to the day-to-day operations of the starbase. Without it, limited plotting, course navigating, etc. could be done.

"Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson reporting, what seems to be the problem?" Lieutenant Morris nearly jumped, being surprised, due to his day-dreaming, by the arrival of the officer.

"Oh, there's no problem at all! In fact, everything's going great! ...I just wanted you to see...Oh, just enter the doors yourself!"

Lucas walked through the large doors into the Main Astrometrics laboratory, with the contractor following closely behind. Luke's jaw dropped to the floor, just as Lieutenant Morris knew it would. "My...My...MY ASTROMETRICS?! IT'S COMPLETE!!!" Jackson started running around with joy, touching and inspecting every console, rubbing the beautifully shined equipment.

Next, the over-joyed Science Officer turned his attention to the viewscreen. The beautiful, who-knows-how-big viewscreen. He couldn't tell the dimensions of the screen, as it wrapped around the front of the lab. Luke was never good at guessing, but he knew that it was very large.

Currently, though, it was just a blank screen. Once the contractor left, Lucas would have to implement some special mapping and cataloging technology that was built specifically for the Typhon.

"I...I don't know what to say, Morris...It's beautiful! Thank you so much for completing it. Now, this is one less thing I'll have to worry about when I leave for the planetary survey...Thank you!"

James smiled, knowing he had done good. "Alright, I just need you to sign these papers, noting that Main Astrometrics is completed." The lieutenant grabbed a clipboard with a stack of papers on it. "Just sign where the blanks indicate.

Luke did what he was told, until he came to the very last blank. Giving his last signature, he though, 'You know, my signature's never looked as good...'


Lieutenant Commander Lucas Jackson
Chief Science Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant James Morris (NPC)
Contractor—Science Department
Stationed—USB Typhon


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