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A Hurt Heart Lashes Out

Posted on Tue Feb 22nd, 2011 @ 9:23pm by Captain Anna Johnson

1,867 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Holodeck

Aeshia pondered what to do about an interesting piece of 'intelligence' that had been thrown her way. Captain Johnson was depressed. This was not acceptable. Crew morality must be maintained. This was a job for the-

"Tea lady, I need some green tea." An Ensign said, rudely.

She poured a cup of the old stuff brewed this morning, that was now room temperature. She poured it over his head, and pointed to the door.

The Ensign was shocked, but did as he was told.

Aeshia put up the closed sign, found a fresh pot of Lady Grey, some chocolate covered marshmallows shaped like some kind of fowl, and some sugar cookies.

"Computer, locate Captain Johnson." She said, once everything was properly packed up.

"Captain Johnson is in holodeck two." Came the reply.

"Good. Not on duty." Aeshia said. She left, in a red cloak, with her picnic basket.

Anna and Jana were sitting on swing facing a lake. There was a picnic table nearby and Jana had her arm around Anna's shoulders Anna was leaning in her eyes puffy and red.

The doors to the holodeck opened, and closed. Aeshia walked up behind Anna, and Jana. "Is worse than I thought." She said, as she put the basket between the two. "I might not have enough little marshmallow chickens."

Jana looked at Aeshia and smiled, "A new list of casualties came in today. Ian was on that list." She said rubbing Anna's shoulders.

Anna moved over a bit leaving room on the swing for Aeshia to sit down if she wanted.

Aeshia shook her head. "Lady Grey tea and chocolate covered marshmallow chickens for Jana lady. Sugar cookies, and hard Lady Grey tea for Anna lady. Bartender's orders."

Anna looked at Aeshia, "I already drank half a bottle of Irish whiskey." She said, "I don't know that hard Lady Grey would be a good idea." She reached up and rubbed the tears from her cheeks.

"That's why you have sugar cookies with it. Sugars and solids help absorb alcohol. Is good." Aeshia said. "And is hard, losing important people. Sometimes, lack of conscious thought that is alcohol induced is also good."

Jana tugged on Anna's arm to lead her to the picnic table. "Come on." Anna got up dragging her feet and went to the table and sighed. "I wouldn't mind some chocolate too." Anna said.

"I not sure if there is enough chickens." Aeshia said, withdrawing several packages of something marked 'Chocolate marshmallow peeps'.

Jana reached into the picnic basket and pulled out some bite sized pieces of chocolate as well as some chocolate cheese cake, "I think I've got that covered." She said.

Anna looked at Aeshia, "Please sit down and join us."

Aeshia nodded, and set the table. She looked at Jana. "Normally, I would ask your mother first, but just this once, I think, we all have some hard tea. As long as you don't mind." She lifted the tea pot, and looked at Jana.

"At this point Anna is my mother." Jana said, "So its up to her."

"One cup only." Anna said.

Aeshia nodded, and poured Jana, then Anna, then herself, a cup. She then carefully divided the marshmallow peeps, and other chocolates. She bowed, and sat back down. "To absent friends." Aeshia said, raising her cup.

Anna raised hers and Jana did as well. Anna took a long sip from hers. Jana took a sip and frowned. "Do you have any that isn't hard please?" She asked pushing the cup away.

Aeshia nodded, and poured the cup back into the teapot. She withdrew a pot, in a knitted woolen insulator sleeve. She took off the sleeve, dotted with cows and pink butterflies, and poured Jana a cup. "It is not for everyone, Jana lady."

Anna smiled, "It was her first drink." She said before grabbing a slice of chocolate cheesecake and taking a bite.

Jana gratefully accepted the new cup of tea and took a sip and smiled.

Aeshia bit into a marshmallow peep. "I do not understand this. I get the chocolate. I get the marshmallow. Why do they have to be in shape of chickens?"

"They come in other shapes too, bunnies, and I think I saw them in the shape of hearts once." Jana said, "I don't really know why though." She added as she grabbed one herself.

"An Ensign told me that when she was down, she would sit down, and eat three packages of these 'peeps', but they had to be the chicken ones, for some reason." Aeshia sad. "I don't really know why. She was eating them in my store, because her dad died."

"Different people liked different things though chocolate in any form helps." Anna said taking another bite of the cheese cake. "Try a piece of this." She suggested to Aeshia.

"Is made with cheese." Aeshia said, shaking her head.

"It's made with cream cheese." Jana said, "It is very good."

"Is not acceptable, by my dietary practices." Aeshia said, shaking her head. "The thought is appreciated."

Jana decided she probably shouldn't mention that most chocolate has milk in it as well.

Anna reached out and grabbed one of Aeshia's sugar cookies and took a bite after covering up a hiccup. "I always love your cookies." She said. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

Aeshia nodded. "I know, Anna lady. And thank you. Is good to hear one's trade complimented."

"I also appreciate you coming to check on me." Anna said taking another long sip of her tea.

"Is important." Aeshia said. "Someone have to watch after Anna lady. Anna lady not do it enough."

"We do our best to look out for each other." Jana said, "We always have."

Anna looked at Aeshia, "I have to look out for Jana, our brothers and the station. I don't have time to look out for myself."

"You better make time." Aeshia said. "I make sure."

"That is why I took a vacation a few weeks ago." Anna said. She let out a deep sigh and walked toward the lake and dipped her feet in the water's edge.

Aeshia shook her head. "You need another one now." Aeshia said. "But not likely to happen."

Anna shook her head. "Unfortunately I was not related to Ian so I doubt I will get any time off." She said. "Which means I have to be sober in the morning."

"I watch over you." Aeshia said. "You listen, though. Is important."

Anna turned to look at her, "Listen to what?" Anna asked.

"To my advice. When I tell you to take five minutes, and have cup of tea, you do it! It is imperative!" Aeshia exclaimed.

"Imperative for what?" Anna asked.

"Your well being, silly head." Aeshia said.

"I take breaks during the day. I just don't always get to your shop to take them." Anna said.

"Yes. And I will be harassing your daughter for your work shift schedule, so I can ensure you eat properly." Aeshia said with a nod.

Anna laughed but tears still threatened to fall, "She said I'm practically her mother. Our parents are dead, she is my sister I am her guardian. I drink tea and other hot beverages in my office throughout the day. I have a replicator there to eat when I can't get away. I have doctor Basil to harass me when I am working too much. You are a good friend but . . ." Anna stopped before she said something she'd regret. She was drunk but still aware enough to know she was loosing control. She closed her eyes and shook her head as the holodeck signaled their time was up. Anna sighed, "We have to go Aeshia. Thank you for the tea and the cookies and the talk. I'll be fine." Anna said as she moved to help Jana pack up the rest of the food.

"Do not think you are getting away from me that easy, young lady. I don't know this Doctor Basil person. You are too good a friend for me to trust his judgement. Besides, you need good friend to watch over you." Aeshia said. She gave Anna a hug.

"I've always looked out for myself." Anna said, "Well at least since I was around eight anyway. Your friendship is always welcome but please don't try to be a mom to me. My parents weren't the best to me and trying to be mom won't help me right now, it would most likely push me away."

Aeshia appeared very upset. The tea pot dropped, broke into little shards of porcelain, and the woman left, in a rather quick display. Nothing more was said from the diminutive Asian woman.

"Aeshia wait." Anna said running after her and stumbling as she did but catching her. "I'm sorry, I told you I've had a lot to drink. I'm feeling sorry for myself and you don't know my family history. My dad beat me, my mom ignored the fact he beat me and I practically raised my brothers and sister until I left for the academy. I had to grow up too fast and I'm not use to having anyone care that isn't a sibling." Anna sank to the floor as Jana caught up to her. "I don't even know for sure I know what it means to have someone care anymore." Anna was crying hard now and a few people looked as they passed but said nothing.

Aeshia scowled. "Take vacation. Meditate. Not insult friends. Then, maybe, you ready to go back to work. You will only get worse, otherwise." Aeshia kept walking away.

Jana grabbed Aeshia, "She can't just take off on a whim, but I do my best to help her relax. She's drunk, she's hurt and she probably won't remember half of what she said in the morning. She cares about you and I do to but she is right. Our parents were the worst in the galaxy. To have someone trying to be a mom to us a true mom to us takes getting use to. She is part of the reason I'm not depressed anymore. Please, don't give up on her yet." Jana pleaded tears in her eyes now. She turned to move and help Anna to her feet and offered a hand to get her back to their quarters.

Aeshia shook her head. "I am only trying to help. Not get hurt." She left.

Jana shook her head and supported Anna as she staggered down the hall toward the lift. Jana was fighting back tears now too and she could tell Anna was about to pass out. ~Why did she give her more to drink?~ Jana thought, ~That was the last thing she needed, it was when dad was like this he was so mean and . . .~ she didn't finish that thought instead she shuttered. Finally managing to get to their quarters she got Anna into bed
and moved out to the sofa. She grabbed a pillow and tucked her feet up off the floor and cried. "Why do things have to get bad again now?"

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer

Jana Johnson
Sister to Anna (NPC)

Aeshia Dew
Tea lady


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