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Mixed Emotions, part 1

Posted on Wed Feb 23rd, 2011 @ 6:20pm by Commander Raven Adams

1,622 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Various
Timeline: Current


Raven walked into engineering in search of Skylar. The news of Ian's death had given her a lot to think about and her emotions were mixed. In one way she ws sad and in another she was... relieved.

Skylar was buried, almost literally, under various parts, pieces, and random equipment, in the fabrication lab.

"Commander Raven has entered Engineering." Sirgei's voice came over the intercomm.

"Feel free to inform her where I am." Skylar stated.

Sirgei nodded, and approached Raven. "Lieutenant Commander Skylar is in the fabrication laboratory." He said to her. "Please follow me, I'll get you donned with the appropriate safety equipment."

"I don't want to bother him if he's busy," Raven hedged. She wanted to talk to him, but she didn't want to disrupt his work.

"With the Athena project going, I figure he could use a distraction. Second straight shift. He'll need some rest soon, regardless of what he thinks on the issue." Sirgei said softly, as they approached the fabrication lab. He handed her a strange looking belt. "Forcefield emitter. It'll keep accidental explosions and falling things from hurting you. Standard Operating Procedure."

Raven took it and put it on. "Thank you. Where do I find Skylar?" His second straight shift? She would definitely have a word with him about that.

"Somewhere over the rain-bow shaped arch of support beams. Just follow the yellow coolant-stained road." Sirgei said. "Or you could just yell his name. Chief?"

"Over here, Sirgei." Skylar's voice came, from around the side of a large collection of loose parts, being welded together.

Raven walked carefully around the parts and stopped when she saw Skylar. "I know Vulcans don't need a lot of sleep, but aren't you taking things a bit too far?"

"Vulcans have a higher tolerance for stress, and they do, indeed, have a higher endurance level than most other species. I do not believe a double shift is unreasonable." Skylar noted.

"When necessary. It's not necessary now," she insisted. "You need to sleep."

"This project is listed as under priority tags. Unless I'm told otherwise, I assume that it's necessary." Skylar stated.

Raven folded her arms across her chest. "How long will this project take?"

"Provided all Vulcan officers adhere to dual duty shifts, No injuries occur, and all parts arrive on time, in the rough area of 3 to 5 months, with an error margin of 17%." Skylar noted.

"Vulcans can only push themselves for a short period of time. Say, two weeks. Then you crash and burn. What happens to the project then? This is not urgent. There's no reason to kill yourself to get it down as soon as possible. You do it right, working one shift a day, and it will be finished on time and your health and sanity remain intact."

"Pushing one's self is triple shifts. Two shifts on, two shifts off, with much greater payoffs in efficiency." Skylar said. "I am not in danger of overextending myself. In addition, there are 29 Vulcans involved in this project. If their' shifts are cut in half, the loss in efficiency, and available work staff puts the completion date closer to 10 or 11 months."

This was not at all what Raven needed right now. "Well,you have fun with this. I'll see you in about six months. Maybe." She turned on her heel and headed back the way she'd come.

Skylar dropped the tools. He followed her. "Raven. Is there an issue with my scheduling, or is there something more, hidden behind that?" He asked.

"Yes." She didn't turn around, didn't stop. Right now she wanted to go to get a flat of chocolate and head out on the Hawthorne to eat herself sick.

Skylar stopped. He considered the simple answer, and nodded. "Skylar to Ensign Bobgdonovich, please ensure my shift is covered."

"Aye sir."

"Computer, restrict my commbadge to emergency access only." Skylar said. He did not question it any further.

He caught up with Raven. "Come. I have something I have been intending to show you."

She turned to look at him. It wouldn't hurt to see what he wanted to show her. The Hawthorne would still be there later.

The Vulcan approached the holodeck, and pulled up a program. A strangely constructed building, mostly of sand, appeared. The atmosphere was warm, and dry.

"This is the estate I grew up on." Skylar said. "I come here, when I need to be peaceful, and relaxed. This would be nearly winter, so the sandstorms do not occur for several weeks. It is one of the most peaceful places on the planet, as this is in the southern hemisphere, far from the capital city. While they are halfway through their' sandstorm season, it is calm, and peaceful here. The harsh terrain for many miles keeps most of the more dangerous creatures at bay. This all used to be Volcanic rock flow. You'll find planes of glass spanning half miles near here. The soil we use to grow plants is actually rare, in the fact that it is both fertile, and naturally so."

She looked around as he spoke, admiring the view. "Why did you want to show this to me?" she asked quietly.

"Because you are distressed. It is a quiet place of relaxation." Skylar said. "I thought you might wish to discuss it, given that you greeted me, in engineering, and made a shot about my working schedules. I assumed you..."

he trailed off. "Needed a friend."

Raven laughed, once. "Interesting choice of words." She really wasn't sure what she needed. She hadn't really thought about it. She just headed for Engineering and Skylar.

Skylar nodded. He brought her to the covered patio. "This was always my favorite place. Even in the sand storms. You could see the harsh elegance of this place, and yet, you barely noticed it." He stared out, and then looked over to Raven. "You are worried about more than just my work schedules. Whatever grieves you, I sense, it is something of great importance. You are... not yourself."

"The man who told me he loved me, wanted to have a future with me... while romancing my friend... is dead," she said bluntly.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. "I see. I suppose... that explains a few things." He looked at Raven, and did the only thing he could think of. He drew her into his arms, and simply gave her a good, long, hug. He was told it was therapeutic, and very enjoyable at the same time. It felt both logical, and the only right thing to do.

Raven wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. ~I don't know if I'm sorry he's dead or glad he's gone.~ she said. She wasn't even aware that she was speaking telepathically. ~Maybe it's that Anna is so distraught and all I can do is feel relieved that I don't have to see him again.~

~That would explain the tension between yourself, and Commander Johnson.~ Skylar's thoughts were barely audible. Physical contact brought them forth. He simply held Raven close. He found that he did not wish to let go. This was unexpected, but he was getting used to how he reacted to Raven, and found it calming. More so than meditation.

Raven nodded. ~She's still my friend, but I can't stop thinking about how he begged her for forgiveness but didn't speak to me -- didn't care how I felt -- until Anna made him apologize.~ All the old insecurities were coming back, the old self-doubts. She snuggled closer to Skylar. Being with him was a balm to her raw emotions and she didn't want to let go.

~I understand.~ It was all he could think of. He was careful to restrain his anger directed towards a dead man. He was careful to restrain his annoyance at Anna, for forcing this same man to apologize, if he did not want to. If one did not wish to apologize, one should not do so. He was careful to restrain these thoughts, deep below his active thoughts, so as not to upset Raven with them. ~I wish I could say more. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. I just do not wish to let you go.~

Raven lifted her head so that she could make eye contact with Skylar. ~I don't want you to let me go, either.~

He simply nodded. This was abnormal. He wasn't fond of telepathic contact. normally. Raven was comfortable. Not invasive. Not controlling. Not overpowering. Simply there, relaxing, and calming, and in need of both. "Computer, advance lunar cycle 9 hours." He said softly.

The sun began to set. It was not so bright, and much easier on the eyes, for the both of them. ~There is a reclining chair, that could support two.~ He noted, indicating a chair behind Raven. ~It would be more comfortable than standing here.~

Raven reached up with one hand and gently caressed his cheek. "If that is what you wish," she said softly.

Gently, the time passed. Skylar registered it, somewhere in the back of his mind. He wasn't sure where, because it wasn't something that mattered. He simply enjoyed having Raven close. He had briefly pondered whether all humans enjoyed this kind of close contact, but had discarded asking Raven about it, as it did not seem to matter. ~Did you know him well?~ He asked, after some thought. ~Or would you prefer a different subject of thought?~

He had actually used the word discussion, but it translated directly as thought. It seemed to fit better.

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Raven Adams
Chief Intelligence Officer
Starbase Typhon


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