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A consultation

Posted on Thu Feb 24th, 2011 @ 4:21pm by

541 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Engineering

Skylar was working. He was trying, very hard, to block Raven. He was afraid he would break down, and lose all control. Instead, he ordered his mind. Structured it. Focused strictly on things like which joint needed to be welded where.

"-'s right through there. Make sure you have your safety field on." Sirgei's voice was heard in the background.

"I know. Standard operating procedure. You are dismissed, Ensign." A female voice noted.

Somewhat accented. Vulcan accent.

Footsteps. Approaching him.

"Lieutenant Commander Skylar?" The voice asked.

Definitely vulcan.

Skylar turned. "I do not recognize you, you must be new." Skylar said with a nod. "How may I assist you?"

The Vulcan woman considered him, briefly, then let the faintest trace of a frown cross her face. "I am told that the ship I am being assigned to has been installed with an EMH Mark 8."

Then she is not assigned to Typhon. Available ship candidates include, perhaps, half a dozen. Skylar's brain filled in. "I am not aware of any bugs, or unconfirmed issues with the Mark 8."

"I am told that the ship I am being assigned to has a Mark 8 in charge." The Vulcan woman clarified.

"And...Your point being?" Skylar asked.

"You are distracted." The woman countered.

"Yes. I am emotionally compromised." Skylar stated, flatly. His mental screens fell slightly. He was very shocked at the overwhelming thoughts from Raven. Why can... He stopped that train of thought, garnering just enough to gather that Raven was distressed, and that he was the direct cause of it.

"That is saying a great deal, for a full-blooded Vulcan." The woman noted.

Skylar cleared his throat. "My mate is under mental distress over the loss of a fellow crew-member. I have precisely three welds left today before today's quota has been met. Please come to your point, in as much detail as you can, at once. And you could do a hell of a lot worse, than to introduce yourself."

"Lieutenant S'tellaire, Future Chief medical Officer, USS Blackhawk. I want the EMH Mark 8 uninstalled. I'm unfamiliar with this make." The woman countered.

"Your petty personal preferences neither over-ride fleet regulations, nor the Mark 8's rights. She has an established character, memories, and repertoire with the crew. Removing her would be detrimental to your staff, and the crew at large. I flat out refuse, and, if need be, will hyper-encrypt her database to stop you from doing so." Skylar countered.

"I refuse to accept your conclusions. You are unfit to make such a decision." S'tellaire countered.

Skylar quirked an eyebrow. "You are not my physician. You are not capable of declaring me unfit for duty. You will leave this restricted area at once. Your authorization is no longer extended."

"As you wish." S'tellaire said. She left.

Skylar moved to the nearest terminal. With a quick command, he logged the necessary requirements onto the network. S'tellaire, Lieutenant, was now listed as restricted from accessing, or overriding any of the EMH's protocols on the Blackhawk. This was, he deemed, the first step.

Step two... well, that was going to take a few hours.


Lieutenant Commander Skylar
Chief Engineer
Starbase Typhon

Lieutenant S'tellaire
Chief Medical Officer
USS Blackhawk


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