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Confusion, Friendship, or Something Else

Posted on Sat Feb 26th, 2011 @ 3:29am by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Captain Anna Johnson

2,439 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Various
Timeline: Current

Krang was sitting at his desk, looking over the cultural files he had pulled up on humans. He was unsure how to proceed. On his home world, when a female brought carrots to a male, it was a sign of interest in mating.

He couldn't be sure if that was the case or it was an unintentional coincidence. Just to be on the safe side, and because the idea intrigued him, he looked up the appropriate response in the database.

He walked over to the replicator and typed in the commands for a dozen, long stemmed, red Terran roses.

When the flowers appeared, he gathered them up and asked the computer to locate the Captain. After being told that she was in her quarters, he made his way there.

He stood outside her door and pressed the control to sound the chime.

Anna moved over to the door and opened it. She was a bit surprised to see Krang standing there. "Did you need something Mister Darkmoon?" She asked.

The use of the formal greeting made the situation a bit awkward. "Um, These are for you." he said, holding out the flowers.

Anna blinked in surprise and moved to the side to make room for him, "Thank you, would you like to come in?" She asked not sure how to take the gesture but accepting the flowers all the same. Her eyes weren't as red as the night before but they were still a bit swollen. She moved to get a vase to put the flowers in.

"You appear to be upset. Have I chosen an inopportune time?"

"One of my close friends name showed up on the list of casualties on the front lines. He was fighter pilot." Anna said, "I could actually use some company right now." She added, "Would you like anything?" She asked.

He didn't want to reject her hospitality, so he thought quickly. "A cup of coffee perhaps?" he asked, unsure if that was the correct response.

"I didn't know you drank coffee." Anna said as she moved to the pot in the kitchen and poured two cups adding cream to her own. "How do you like yours?" She asked.

"Just some cream." he answered. "I have lost friends in combat as well. I share your pain." he offered as the situation began to spiral quickly away from his intent.

"So what brings you by this evening?" Anna asked.

"If you have to ask that, it would seem I have misunderstood your intentions." he stated, looking at the deck below his feet.

Anna blinked, "I'm sorry," Anna said, "But would you please explain that?"

"Well, the carrots. I thought..I mean..On my world..Oh, never mind." he stammered and stood. He took several steps quickly toward the door.

Anna stopped him, "If I did something wrong please let me know." She said. "What did you think?"

"On my world, when a female brings carrots or apples to a male, it is preliminary step in the courting ritual." he said, avoiding eye contact. "Please, forgive my impertinence. I must go."

Anna looked a bit surprised but said, "You don't have to go." She said. "I'm flattered for the attention actually. I do apologize that I didn't know that I was implying that. I wouldn't mind getting to know you better however."

Krang tugged nervously at the collar of his uniform. He cursed himself inwardly for being so nervous. "Yes, OK, I would like that too." he said with a nod of his head.

Anna smiled, "Good then, come back and finish your coffee." She said holding out her hand to him.

Krang took the offered hand. He was much stronger than her and he wanted to not only be careful, but also gentle. "Thank you for being so understanding."

Anna smiled, "If I misled you then I need to be understanding. I have been wanting to get to know you for a while to be honest."

"I have sort of wanted to get to know you better too, but thought it would be inappropriate. I guess that's why I read into the gesture."

"Why did you think it would be inappropriate?" Anna asked.

"Nagagi military personnel are not allow to fraternize with superior officers." he answered.

"That isn't a rule in Starfleet. If it was I wouldn't be able to date anyone. Everyone is either below or above me here on the station." Anna said then took a sip of her coffee.

"There is that." Krang said with a chuckle.

"So what do you like to do for fun?" Anna asked.

The image of his climbing structure appeared in his mind, but he wasn't ready to admit to that yet. He thought hard for a moment and answered with, "I like to keep active. I also like puzzles."

"What kind of puzzles?" Anna asked.

"Mostly logic puzzles. Your people have Sherlock Holmes, we Nagagi have Torvak Skystrider. They are remarkably similar. Not so much in setting, but they are both master detectives who succeed in solving cases by noticing that which others miss."

"Could be fun." Anna said. "I like to do things to help me relax. The beach or lake are among my favorites."

Krang made a face that clearly indicated his distaste for all things wet and sandy. "No thank you. Water and sand have no place in recreation. I require hazardous duty pay to be involved in any activity that includes either of those elements." He was teasing, but only a little bit.

Anna laughed, "I guess we will have to find some kind of common ground." She said.

"Other than get wet and dirty, what do you do for fun?" he asked playfully.

Anna thought for a moment, "I sometimes set up the holodeck to look like an old Earth movie theater. I like nature walks, shuttle racing..well flying in general really."

"I have never given any thought to shuttle racing. I guess it could be interesting from an adrenaline rush theory." he said, actually thinking about it for the first time.

"Especially flying through asteroid fields." Anna said. "I actually had to fly an away team through the asteroid belt known as the badlands."

"That is an unfortunate nomenclature. It would be confusing to have two areas of space both known as "badlands", at least to me anyway."

"Where else are you referring to?" Anna asked.

"When the U.S.S. Voyager was lost initially, it was chasing a Maqui ship through an area of space called "The Badlands". It is renowned for its intense and unpredictable plasma storms. Their proximity to it is what led to the belief that they were destroyed."

"This is probably part of the same system as there were plasma storms and other things we had to avoid in the middle of all of it. It was quite a rush flying through all of that." Anna said.

"I guess the only thing I've done that I would call a "rush" is orbital skydiving. I only tried it once. My chute malfunctioned and I barely got the reserve open in time."

"That is why you also wear an antigrav belt." Anna smiled. "I prefer to do my speeding inside the shuttle though skydiving can be fun." She said.

Jana walked in the doors and did a double take at Krang sitting on their sofa. She waved at them and headed to her room without a word.

"If memory serves, that was your sister?" Krang asked as the young woman walked away.

Anna laughed and nodded, "She had been out on a date once with a Klingon as well as a half Catian back when our dad was alive just to bug him. I don't think much will surprise her."

Krang gave what passed for a smile. "Challenge accepted." he said with a laugh.

Anna raised an eyebrow, "What challenge?" She asked.

"The challenge of surprising Jana. I will shock her or fail gloriously."

"What exactly do you have in mind?" Anna asked curiously.

"I don't know yet. That will take a bit of planning. Whatever it is though, you'll be the second to know."

"I've been meaning to ask do you eat meat or just fruit and vegetables?" Anna asked. "I need to know in case I have you over for dinner sometime."

"I am capable of eating meat, and I enjoy it, but I only do so occasionally. It is difficult on my digestive system and makes me sluggish."

"Then I will make sure I cook a vegetarian dish when you come over for a meal." Anna said with a smile.

"What are your favorite foods? Any allergies that I should know about?"

"No allergies that I know of. My favorite foods would be cheese steak sandwich and vegetable egg rolls. I like all flowers but I am partial to lilies of any kind." Anna said.

"What is an egg roll?" he asked, curious at the thought of a new food.

"The Tea Lady makes the best. You can get them with shrimp and pork and chicken in them but I like them better with just the cabbage and carrots. Its cooked cabbage and carrots rolled in rice paper and deep fried." Anna said. "Wait just a minute." Anna moved over to the replicator and got a plate with a few on them. "These aren't as good as the ones from the tea room but they are pretty good." Anna said taking one herself and taking a bite.

Krang took one and took a tentative bite. He rolled the bite around in his mouth a moment, then swallowed it. "That is really quite good. I am surprised we don't have an equivalent dish at home."

"I'll have to take you. . ." Anna paused and her countenance fell at the thought. She wasn't sure when or if she would ever be able to buy them from Aeshia again. Anna held in a sigh. "Anyway I'm glad you like it." She said and took another bite of her own.

Jana came out of her room, "Do I smell egg rolls?" She asked.

Anna nodded and held the plate toward her so she could grab her own. Jana took one and took a bite while studying Krang for a moment.

Krang decided to be silly. "If you take a picture it will last longer." he said, then stuck his tongue out.

Jana rolled her eyes, "People stop saying that in grammar school." She said. She started to ask why he was here but thought that would be rude. "You are the security chief right?" Jana asked.

He laughed and said, "Sorry, I was trying to be silly and break the ice. You were staring after all." then he took another bite of his egg roll. He chewed a bit and swallowed it. Then he answered, "Yes, I am the Security Chief."

"Is my sister in trouble?" Jana asked.

"Oh, no, this is strictly a social visit." Krang answered.

Jana studied him a bit more, "What kind of a social visit?" She asked which made Anna blush a deep red.

Krang looked at Anna and noticed the blush. "Well, that's actually still to be determined. There seems to be some crossed messages, but the visit has been pleasant none the less."

"Just don't hurt her okay. That is the last thing she needs again so soon." Jana said then grabbed another egg roll and headed to her room."

"What was that about?" Krang asked Anna. "Why would she assume I would hurt you?"

"I've had a streak of bad luck when it comes to relationships. The person that died that I told you about, We were dating for a while before he was called to the war front. Problem was he was dating Raven at the same time and we found out about it at my birthday party because they were both there. He had said when he got back he wanted to give us a chance I just wasn't sure I was willing to give him that chance. Now its moot anyway because he's dead." Anna said.

Krang placed his hand on top of Anna's, "I am sorry for your loss. I should have paid more attention. Please forgive me." and then for the second time, he started to leave.

"I don't want you to leave." Anna said, "I was enjoying getting to know you." Anna said, "In fact for the first time since I got the news I'm not as sad about it. He was a jerk, I deserved much better. I just didn't think anyone else would want me."

"I don't know the idiom "jerk" but the context leads me to believe that you are correct. You deserve someone kind and caring, like yourself." he replied.

Anna thought about how to explain jerk but couldn't come up with anything, "I'm not sure how to explain it but I do think he cared more about himself than me or anyone else. For now I could use a friend. We can see how things develop from there but so you know any relationship I get into I want to move at a slower pace than those in my past. Jana is right. I don't deal well with the rejection that always seems to follow."

"I will endeavor to follow your lead and pace for what ever may occur from here. At worst we will have both gained a friend." He answered with what was his best effort to smile.

Anna smiled, "Thank you for that. Now do you want to do anything tonight. A movie perhaps or something you enjoy?" She said, "I could use something to keep my mind off things right now."

"Sadly, my exposure to 'movies' was only what my roommate at the academy dragged me to see, and they were not exactly something that I would suggest for someone in a down mood. They were somewhat violent." Krang answered. "I often wondered about his mental health, but that's beside the point."

"There are a large variety of movies available or we could just go do something like a carnival." Anna suggested.

"I am open to new experiences, if you have something in mind."

"Have you ever been to a carnival before?" Anna asked.

"No. Can't say as I have."

Anna held out her hand to him, "One of my favorites has this awesome rock climbing wall and bungee jumping station." She said, "I think you might like it." She said.

"Lead the way, oh fearless leader." he teased.

Captain Anna Johnson
Executive Officer
Starbase Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Security
Starbase Typhon


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