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Third Battalion Inspection

Posted on Tue Jan 5th, 2010 @ 11:14pm by Commodore Edward Fannin

371 words; about a 2 minute read

Location: Deck 73 Shuttlebays 1-3
Timeline: Current


Captain Fannin had requested Lieutenant Danner to accompany him to receive and Inspect The Third Battalion 21st Marines. Danner was a bit nervous about the request but after brushing up on the Marine protocol would calm down... He thought.

As they arrived on deck 73 They were stopped at the lift by a Young Marine Gunnery sergeant.

"Sir, I'll inform the Battalion Commander your ready." Fannin and Danner remained in the hallway as the Sergeant suck her head through the doors. They both could hear the Third Battalion being called to attention, then silence. Two Marines stood behind The Captain and broke out the Command Banner and in tribute to Fannin's Marine service a Fleet Corpsmen Flag. The sergeant nodded to the Captain and the doors fully opeded. Marching briskly and in perfect step the Captain and his detail marched to the front of the formation and halted at attention in front of Major Reynolds the Battalion Co.

Major Reynolds snapped a perfect salute. "SIR, THE THIRD BATTALION IS FORMED AND READY FOR INSPECTION."

Fannin returned the salute and followed the Major through the ranks of 400 Armed Marines who filled 3 cargo bays. Danner was blown away at the military bearing he was walking through. It took half an hour to walk all Three companies, Fannin stopping several times to ask a Marine where he was from or how he received a ribbon.

They had returned to the front, Every Marine in the giant room knew their Captain was a combat tested Marine, he was one of them. He complemented Major Reynolds on a superb formation and turned towards the Battalion.

"There are warriors of every race and culture. They serve their countries, they protect their homelands. You are Starfleet Marines, You protect we weak, defeat the oppressor and defend the Fleet. I'm proud to Command you.

Captain Fannin turned to Major Reynolds and introduced Doctor Danner, " I hope you will join us tonight in the lounge Major. We have some things to discuss. Fannin turn and the detail marched out the doors they entered in.


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant JG Andre Danner
Medical Officer
USB Typhon

Major Reynolds (NPC)
Commander, Third Battalion, 21st Marines (3/21)
USB Typhon


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