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Uninvited Guests

Posted on Tue Jan 5th, 2010 @ 9:28pm by Commander Jack Tolren & Commodore Edward Fannin

740 words; about a 4 minute read

Location: Various
Timeline: Current

Lieutenant Joe Francis stood at the centre of the Operations desks, he was surrounded by different non-commissioned operators, some monitoring flight operations on the interior and exterior of the station, others monitoring systems, allocating resources and responding to requests from various departments for services. The Operations department had really become a hive of activity over the past few days after the station had been given the green light for operational status.

Francis was the duty operations officer, he had a desk overseeing everyone who worked in the department, all of them sat on the 'bridge' of the station, with direct access to the commander, if needed. It was his job to make sure that was not needed, unless absolutely vital, which meant monitoring what everyone else did.

As he glanced through the list of recent arrivals, both vessel and personnel, something he did on a fairly regular basis when not on comms to other people, he noticed a name he remember from a Starfleet Intelligence report - David Charles Mason.

He tapped the LCARS display on the name, the computer began a search for all references, a second tap on the 'Intel' button brought up all intelligence reports which were open to his security access on the name, there it was 'David C Mason'.

He tapped the comlink for the Captain and spoke, "Lieutenant Francis to Captain Fannin, I have something you should see sir, at the Ops desk."

Captain Fannin could see the Lieutenant and walked towards the Operations area of main control, As he arrive he put his hand on the lieutenants shoulder and looked over to see what he was working on. "What have you got Joe?"

"One of the recent arrivals, a civilian vessel, the Victoria, has been flagged by Intel as a security concern," Francis replied, showing the Captain the intelligence report on his screen.

"I see, He'll be expecting some attention, But we need to keep an Eye on him."

"Ok, I'll pass it for the attention of security and the intel department then?" Joe asked.

"I think we should, get with the XO and see if he concurs with it, Gonna need someone watching his crew pretty close."

Joe nodded, tapping the comm he requested Commander Tolren's presence too, within a minute the XO had made his way from his office to the Ops desk.

"Commander, we've received a civilian and his crew on the station who intel believe may be a problem, take a look," Francis informed him as he approached the desk.

Jack moved closer, looking over the opposite shoulder to the Captain and scanned through the intelligence report. "He's going to pose a problem, especially with J-572 recently coming to light, it's full of resources, and we're the center of information for this whole region."

Fannin was wary of his newest guests, he looked at Jack, "Should we pay our guest a visit? Or let the stew simmer and see what he's up too?"

Jack thought for a moment, before addressing the Ops Officer, "Joe do we have the new surveillance protocols installed?"

"You mean the biometric ones, yeah, they were installed in the security systems as standard," Francis replied. "You want to track him?"

"Up to you Captain," Jack said, turning to the Captain. "The biometric security protocols can monitor and record his movements throughout the station, but it depends whether you think it's justified, everyone has rights afterall, but this IS a Starfleet facility. It's your call."

"Lets not lose track of him, or his crew. Any illegal activity and I want him picked up. I'm sure he's looking for opportunities here, nothing wrong with that, as long as their legal."

"Send it through to my padd, Joe," Tolren asked, before turning back to the Captain. "He's a prospector, he'll be looking for mining opportunities in J-572, but until he gets them he's may be getting information from here, it's worth letting Fleet Intel know so they can watch out for him and any breaches."

"He may snoop around, but he can't kick a rock in this system without Federation permission."

"Definitely, Captain," Tolren confirmed. He checked the surveillance was active on the padd, before reporting, "it looks like he's enjoying a drink on the promenade at the minute. Anything he does suspicious, I'll let you know about."


Captain Edward Fannin
Commanding Officer
USB Typhon

Lieutenant Commander Jack Tolren
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Joseph Francis (NPC)
Operations Officer


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