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Who's on first?

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 2:37pm by Commander Krang Darkmoon & Commander Basil Hart
Edited on on Thu Jun 9th, 2011 @ 8:03am

566 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: On Typhon Station
Location: Infirmary
Timeline: Current


Krang had directed his security staff to spread out and enforce the quarantine, but only after each of them had been screened. He had also been screened and cleared.

As the med tech finished with him, he saw Doctor Hart hurry past.

"Doctor Hart." Krang called, hoping to catch the man before he got pulled into something else. "It was good thinking for you to take command, given the situation, but I think that it would be best for me to take over now, so that you can focus on finding a cure or treatment for whatever this is."

Krang stretched his long arms to one side and then the other, trying to release the tension in his shoulders.

"I am no administrator, but I can at least keep a lid on things till you get Captain Johnson back in her right mind."

Basil thought for a few moments. "Commander Krang, I appreciate the offer. But since we have the same time in grade, and I have a more firm grasp on epidemic procedures, Don't you think I should remain in command for the few hours it will take to synthesize the antidote and distribute the aerosol version throughout the station? You are correct, however, in your assertion that I need to spend most of my time in the labs and in sickbay. Since we're under a time crunch, and I do need eyes and ears in the command center, would you consent to being my second, and take care of the logistics of executing the procedures that need to be implemented? There may already be infected staff up there, and I really don't want to undo the lockouts until I have someone up there I can trust. We have to think of what's best for the station. I'll administer the antidote (once it's ready) to the Captain first so that she can take command again and then I'll distribute it to the rest of the station."

"That's fine Doctor. I will secure the Ops deck and report back on the situation. Is there anything beyond a standard lock down that I should be doing?"

A wry smile crossed Basil's lips. "Don't let anyone touch you. You may be immune to the virus, but I don't know why. Even though you yourself may not be infected, any moisture, perspiration, or other bodily fluid you come in contact with will transmit the virus to whoever you touch next." Make sure that the override codes for the docking bays are locked out to either your voice print or mine. We can unlock them when the Captain is in her right mind again. If there's trouble, or if anyone gets belligerent, try not to hurt them too badly. The last thing I need now is extra work." He grinned good-naturedly. "And thank you for helping me keep things on an even keel while we deal with this crisis.

Krang made that odd sound that passes for laughter and said, Geez Doc, just take away all my fun."

Basil clapped him on his powerfully muscled shoulder. "I know. I'm such a kill-joy! Let's get to work. If you need me, I'll be in sick-bay."

He turned away from his comrade and headed for the sickbay.

"Right. I'll stay in touch." Krang answered.


Commander Basil Hart
Chief Medical Officer,
Star Base Typhon

Commander Krang Darkmoon
Chief of Station Security


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