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A short flight, but a long journey

Posted on Fri May 20th, 2011 @ 7:45pm by Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim

560 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Liberation Of A World
Location: Exeter, Forward Operating Base, Training Center
Timeline: Current


After leaving her men with the Colonel, Tara decided to take the scenic route to see what was around the training zone. Several target locks hit her craft, but were quickly dropped as the people figured that it was a Federation craft, flying much slower than attack speed. Then she heard the order for the drop, and raised higher into the atmosphere to see what was going on. She didn't spot the fighter, but the explosion was enough to get any ones attention from several sectors off. She was surprised her back up pilots weren't asking permission for an attack run or six.

Taking it slow, she moved into the area and struck out her sensors to see if anyone was hurt. Nothing was doing, and there was little to see, so she made her way to the waiting hanger to where she would see the new shuttles. Local men and women were rushing around like ants on the platform as she made her way to the area. Her scanners were still on full, and she could tell they didn't know who she was, or why someone not from the Marine unit would be landing near the old storage area.

"Some days I hate my 'gifts'," Tara said sourly. Landing the craft was easy, so was popping the cockpit and looking out. She was met with several plasma weapons pointed in her general direction until they noticed the starfleet uniform.

"Sorry Ma'am," one of the grunts said, reaching a hand out to help her down. Tara ignored it, wondering what he had to be sorry about. "We don't get many visitors and the Colonel usually lets us know who's coming out our way."

"Not a problem Chief," Tara said spying his rank emblazoned on his left arm. It was sewn into the uniform. "I'm just here to check the bombers, and then go down to the training area to recruit some pilots."

"If you want the pilots, they're down there with the Master Sergeant playing their war games." The chief looked down the side of the hill, to where she could see platoons of men standing in formation. A rather large company.

"I guess I'll go down there next huh? But first, let me see those birds."

"Don't expect too much from them Ma'am," the Chief said looking at her, and turning for the door. "Most of 'em have rusted out by now."

"That's fine Chief," Tara said with a smile. "If I have to cannibalize three or four ships to get two working, then I think it's worth it." She stepped with the Chief into the observation deck and looked down at the weaponry. "On the other hand, I don't think I could salvage enough from all of these to get one shuttle running correctly."

"I told ya Ma'am," the Chief said with a smile. "We've been looking for any other safe havens of weapons and armor, but when Exeter disbanded the Home Guard and everyone inside of it, they destroyed most of the weapons and armor. Figured we'd never need it."

"Well thats why Politicians have no place running the Military Chief. We know to stand ready and when to let go. Get me the Master Sergeant and the Colonel. I think it's time we tried something else."


Lieutenant Commander Tara Neniphim
Flight Leader
Starbase Typhon


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